"G. d'Annunzio"
The Master's Degree in Nursing and Midwifery Sciences is a nationally-programmed-Master which enrollment is subject to passing an admission test. The Master's Degree Course in Nursing and Midwifery provides 120 ECTS over the two academic years. Teaching is delivered in accordance with compulsory attendance for 100% of the hours of internship/apprenticeship for each year, and at least 70% of the scheduled teaching activity for each course. Furthermore, each academic year also is divided into two teaching periods (semesters); lessons are held in intensive weeks (1-2 weeks a month, Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-6 p.m.); each period of lessons is followed by a final exams session, usually scheduled in February, June, July, and September. Holding the Master's Degree is a legislative and contractual requirement to reach management positions in the Italian Health Service, to teach at university level, and also allows access to the II level master's degree, and to PhD courses. Career opportunities are mainly related to the performance of managerial functions in managerial, clinical and organizational research, and to achieve teaching roles in University Degree Courses.