"G. d'Annunzio"
The single-cycle degree program in Architecture at the University of Chieti-Pescara has a duration of 5 years, for a total number of 300 CFU. ACCESS MODE. Enrolment at the one-cycle Master's Degree Program in Architecture is subject to passing an entry test according to current Italian national legislation (http://www.studiare-in-italia.it/studentistranieri/). The test and procedures are prepared and managed by the Ministry of University and Research (https://www.universitaly.it), which also draws up and disseminates a merit ranking. For the academic year 2022-23 the places assigned by the MUR with Ministerial Decree are 120 for EU students and 5 for non-EU students. The merit ranking of the admission test also serves as a test of verification of the knowledge required for the assignment of any Additional Educational Obligations. TEACHING ORGANIZATION Teaching is organized in semesters through ex cathedra lessons and application activities carried out in the design workshops for a total of 28 exams. The assessment and evaluation of the credits will be verified through an oral and / or written exam or through other forms of verification (also intermediate) held by the individual teachers who hold the courses. The exams are fixed by the calendar. Attendance at educational activities is mandatory. The individual courses may also include in-depth workshops, thematic workshops, seminars, conferences and exercises held by the course owner and tutors. In the fifth-year students will have to choose a Degree Laboratory located in one of the following six thematic areas: Architectural design and construction; Urban design and planning; Technological design of architecture and Design; Conservation of architectural heritage and landscape; Graphic representation of architecture and environment; History, issues and problems of modern and contemporary architectureAll areas are characterized by experiences of a design nature, directly related to the research activities of the various disciplinary areas of research. INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITIES - ERASMUS. The Architecture Department finances the international mobility of students annually, for study and research activities, at foreign affiliated offices, located in countries inside and outside the European Union. INTERNSHIP. In the last year of the course an internship is planned in order to provide the student with experiences of professional practice, administrative procedures, site management, etc. FINAL TEST. The final exam consists in the performance of an original thesis, which is carried out in studies, research and graphic design papers on topics related to the teaching of the master's degree course, to be developed under the guidance of a supervisor. The papers and presentation formats of the final exam are defined by the supervisor who follows the thesis, and in general it is a sufficient number of paper and / or digital papers sufficient to fully develop the project object of the thesis. The Graduation grade is expressed in 110th and consists of the weighted average of the exam grades reported by the student in the curriculum of his study plan, to which is added the score awarded by the graduation commission for the final thesis work.