Educational goals
To know in depth the main themes and conceptual apparatus that found the discipline. Acquire skills aimed at encouraging communication between different socio-cultural realities in a perspective of relationship, mediation and identification of shared values. To analyse pluralisms and expressive dynamisms of local / global level. To observe the expressive activities of a context, exposing its political, relational and social functions. To analyze the socio-cultural processes, overcoming the simplifying image that wants a single meaning for each place, a single identity.
The course offers an overview of cultural anthropology, illustrating its method, theory and languages. The intent is not so much to privilege a history of studies or to propose a traditional thematic exhibition, but to address the subject by focusing on problematic issues and interpretative categories that make cultural anthropology an instrument of fundamental and advanced reflection for the understanding of the complexities of the contemporary world. Main topics: the construction of anthropological knowledge; anthropological positivisms; structure, interpretation, dialogue; changes, conflicts, transformations. Race, racism and migration; biological racism, monogenesis and polygenesis; the anti-racism of Franz Boas; the eugenics from Galton to Nazism; the "race question" in the UNESCO and Lévi-Strauss documents; post-colonial studies, gender dynamics and structural violence; neo-racism and cultural differences; institutional racism; migrants, media and social networks. The field of rights: the approach of legal anthropology; conflict and revenge. Disability and medical anthropology; universalism and international classifications; the self-ethnography of anthropologists with disabilities; intellectual disability linked to learning disorders; chronic diseases, aging and disability. An anthropological view of the changing family: family structures; family definitions; the family in anthropological studies; new forms of family. From birth to death: the rites of passage. Urban anthropology. Intercultural dynamics in the school: an anthropological look. Migration processes, socio-cultural inclusion and school contexts; the educational setting between structure and agency. Folklore, popular culture, mass culture: themes and problems of an applied anthropology of the contemporary through an ethnography of cultural consumption; the gift as a practice of popular culture.
Bibliographic material
Fiorella Giacalone (a cura di), Il tempo e la complessità. Teorie e metodi dell'antropologia culturale, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2017.
Fabio Dei, Cultura popolare. Da Gramsci all’Unesco, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2018.
Lia Giancristofaro, Cocullo. Un percorso italiano
di salvaguardia urgente, collana Heritage, Bologna, Patron, 2018.
Final verification:
Rating in thirtieths. The oral exam is entered, with a score of at least 18/30 at the written test (quiz with five closed questions). The written mark can be increased for a maximum of 6 points during the oral exam.
Students in the Philology course who take this exam for 6 CFU will only study the following texts:
Fiorella Giacalone (ed.), Il tempo e la complessità. Teorie e metodi dell'antropologia culturale, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2017.
Fabio Dei, Cultura popolare. Da Gramsci all’Unesco, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2018.