The teaching course addresses the main issues and problems of sociology, following an analytical perspective methodologically oriented to the analysis of development systems.
The teaching activity is aimed at providing students with the necessary tools to understand the main characteristics and the most important transformations of social systems through the magnifying glass offered by the discipline in the attempt to bind The events that day by day "help" to change (and understand) the evolving social world. Therefore, even aspects not directly linked to each other (for example, tourism and the environment also in its more general lines) can help to delineate at best the overall picture.
- To define in the conceptual and methodological aspects the discipline and to obtain critical capacity on socio-economic events;
-Identify differences and boundaries with other disciplines that have the same object of study;
-Acquire the working method of the sociologist (design, analysis, intervention);
-to reconcile theoretical and operational aspects, directed to the development of applied research and sociological intervention in the socio-economic field;
-outlining the scenarios of economic development (micro and macro).
Teaching method
The teaching includes 72 hours of lessons divided into 3 lessons per week from 2 hours.
The course will be organized in modules whose lessons will mainly focus on the use of the following didactic methods: Oral lecture, screening of films, slide projection, thematic meetings, seminars, direct testimonies of case studies. We recommend the frequency. Oral lecture, Projection of movies, slide projection, thematic meetings.
Evaluation method
The evaluation of the level of student learning will be carried out with the use of an oral test that is aimed at probing the student both the communicative skills of sociological knowledge and of exhibition clarity, and the capacities of Interpretation and analysis of the phenomena of social and economic change in progress.
The examination modalities are the same for frequenting and non-attending: oral examination with final vote expressed in thirtieth.
Reference books:
- Veraldi R., Sociologia: dai classici alla modernità. Lineamenti di storia del pensiero sociologico, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2018;
- Bianco A., Introduzione alla sociologia dello sviluppo, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2007.
- Any additional teaching materials will be indicated during the lessons.