The course aims to allow the student to develop
- the tools for a reasoned understanding of what the drug produces once it has been introduced into the human organism (pharmacodynamics) taking into account how it is distributed and modified in the organism itself (pharmacokinetics), integrating the knowledge on the mechanism of action, efficacy and safety of drugs with knowledge on the physiology of pharmacological targets and on the pathophysiology of processes modified by pharmacological intervention.
At the end of the course the student, as far as he is competent, will be able: i) to know the pharmacological basis of the therapy; ii) to know the side and toxic effects of drugs and the potential interactions between them.
The course will help to provide the student with tools that will allow him to improve: i) his competence in the management of drug therapy; ii) his ability to relate with other professional figures (medical doctors, psychologists, dietitians, nurses, etc.) who, in an increasingly multidisciplinary approach, will be called to take care of the patient.
The student will also be able to provide explanations to the patient and / or his family about the benefits and risks of drug therapy. Finally, the student will develop skills useful for an independent study and will acquire the methodological tools for an autonomous update.