1. Formation of the zygote in the external III of the tuba
2. Increment in the maternal circulation of β HCG - Mode of production of Chorionic Gonadotropin. Target sites. Role in maintaining pregnancy.
3. Clinical applications of HCG assay in the monitoring of physiological pregnancy and prenatal diagnosis techniques.
4. Endocrine evaluation of the synergic modifications of the first trimester of pregnancy to determine the increase of the circulating mass.
5. Pregnancy concept as a condition of high flow and low pressure.
6. Repercussions of the increase of the circulating mass on the various organs and systems of the pregnant woman
7. Concept of pregnancy as a stress test for each organ of the apparatus.
8. Understanding of the concept of physiological anemia of pregnancy.
9. Cardiac work in pregnancy and congenital diseases at risk of decompensation.
10. Renal work in pregnancy and diseases at risk of decompensation.
11. Pancreas and paradox of pregnancy: hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia.
12. Modification of sugar metabolism in the 24 hours during the III quarter.
13. Action of the hormones of placental production in changes in glucose metabolism and insulin activity.
14. Modification of coagulation factors and fibrinolysis factors.
15. Rationale of the physiological pregnancy monitoring protocol.
16. Method of fetal growth.
17. First quarter biometrics to define the gestational age.
18. Fetal circulation as a basis for understanding late growth defects.
19. Symmetrical and asymmetric growth concept.
20. Monitoring of pregnant RH-
Expected learning outcomes (training objectives)
Understanding endocrine and metabolic changes in pregnancy so as to identify pregnancies at risk and understand the rationale of monitoring procedures.
Reference Texts
G. Pescetto, De Cecco, Pecorari, Ragni: Manual of Gynecology and Obstetrics: chapters related to the topics covered.