The course contributes to the broader educational objective of the MA by providing the conceptual tools suitable for understanding the language and problems of philosophical research. The student will acquire: specific knowledge of the topics and texts; refinined ability to memorize, understand and use the principles, theories and discursive practices that characterize the discipline and its analytical techniques; ability to perform speculative analyzes and exercise extensive critical commentary by textual analysis procedures; improving of argumentative and descriptive skills in the reconstructing and discussing topics and texts; in-depth analysis and use of monographs and periodicals; ability to define the fundamental structures of philosophical discourse; advanced philosophical vocabulary. Further skills: critical autonomy; information and validity of judgment (understanding of theses and debates; orientation in theoretical problems; connection of ideas and concepts in complex traditions; ability to critically integrate different philosophical knowledge; use of critical tools for the framing of crucial themes); specific communication skills and continuous learning (ability to exhibit analyses in an effective and orderly manner in individual and collective context; formalization and resolution of problems; mastery, integration and development of a philosophical vocabulary related to the MA context, and ability to apply it to the analysis of contemporary world).
Main topics of the course: dimensions of the ontological problem; the nature of philosophical interpretation; fundamental concepts (being, truth, denial, manifestation); mythology and cosmology; topicality of pre-Socratic thought.
The course includes the discussion of the following topics: basic problems of ontology; the nature of philosophical interpretation in relationship to philology and history; language, myth, poetry; path, method, experience; the structure of negativity; truth and opinion; appearance and manifestation; logic and cosmology in the archaic age; topicality of pre-socratic thought; modern and contemporary interpretations of Parmenides’ thought; homological remarks on non-western traditions.
- Coxon, Allan Hartley. 2009. The Fragments of Parmenides. A Critical Text with Introduction and Translation, the Ancient Testimonia and a Commentary. Las Vegas: Parmenides Publishing.
Suggested reading and resources:
- G. Cerri, Poema sulla natura. Parmenide di Elea, Rizzoli
- A. Tonelli, Le parole dei Sapienti. Senofane, Parmenide, Zenone, Melisso, Feltrinelli
- D. Zucchello, Parmenide. Sulla natura, Limina Mentis
- H. Diels, W. Kranz, I presocratici, Bompiani
- A. Pasquinelli, I presocratici. Frammenti e testimonianze, Einaudi
- M. Untersteiner, Parmenide. Testimonianze e frammenti, La Nuova Italia
- Id., Eleati, Bompiani
- G. Bontadini, E. Severino, L'essere e l'apparire. Una disputa, Morcelliana
- G. Calogero, Studi sull’eleatismo, La Nuova Italia
- Id., Storia della logica antica. L’età arcaica, I, Laterza / ETS
- A. Capizzi, La porta di Parmenide. Due saggi per una nuova lettura del poema, Edizioni dell'Ateneo
- G. Colli, La natura ama nascondersi, Adelphi
- Id., Gorgia e Parmenide. Lezioni 1965-1967, Adelphi
- E. Fink, Le domande fondamentali della filosofia antica, Donzelli
- H.-G. Gadamer, Scritti su Parmenide, Filema
- G.W.F. Hegel, Lezioni sulla storia della filosofia, La Nuova Italia
- Id., Scienza della logica, I, Laterza
- M. Heidegger, Introduzione alla metafisica, Mursia
- Id., Moira, in Saggi e discorsi, Mursia
- Id., Che cosa significa pensare?, SugarCo
- K. Jaspers, I grandi filosofi, Longanesi
- P. Kingsley, Nei luoghi oscuri della saggezza. Le origini religiose della civiltà occidentale, Tropea
- C. Michelstaedter, Parmenide ed Eraclito. Empedocle, Studio Edizioni
- F. Nietzsche, La filosofia nell’epoca tragica dei Greci e Scritti 1870-1873, Adelphi
- Id., I filosofi preplatonici, Laterza
- K.R. Popper, Il mondo di Parmenide. Alla scoperta della filosofia presocratica, Piemme
- L. Rossetti, Un altro Parmenide, I-II, Diogene Multimedia
- L. Rossetti et al. (eds.), Parmenide. Suoni, immagini, esperienza, Academia
- L. Ruggiu, Parmenide. Nostos. L'essere degli enti, Mimesis
- G. de Santillana, Le origini del pensiero scientifico. Da Anassimandro a Proclo, Sansoni
- Id., Prologo a Parmenide, in Fato antico e Fato moderno, Adelphi
- G. Sasso, Essere e negazione, Morano
- E. Severino, Ritornare a Parmenide, in L’essenza del nichilismo, Adelphi
- M. Visentin, Il neoparmenidismo italiano, I-II, Bibliopolis
Frontal lectures.
An oral exam of variable duration will take place, during which knowledge, skills and competences will be tested, in oder to assess the achievement of the learning objectives and expected outcomes. The exam will consist of questions on course contents, and of a critical-textual analysis.
Students may take the exam in English. Italian textbook is therefore to be replaced by: Coxon, Allan Hartley. 2009. The Fragments of Parmenides. A Critical Text with Introduction and Translation, the Ancient Testimonia and a Commentary. Las Vegas: Parmenides Publishing.
Although not mandatory, class attendance is strongly advised. Students who do not attend at least 70% of the lectures will be asked to read an additional book, which can be freely selected among the recommended ones. For any further information and thesis acceptance procedure: Orientation and tutoring in English is available.