Diagnosis, diagnostic interview and levels of organization of personality (neurotic, borderline, psychotic) according to Kernberg (TFP). Differential diagnoses.
Trauma theory and intergenerational transmission. Correlation between trauma and Complex PTSD and personality disorders (discussion).
First level (early relational trauma, Schore), second level (maltreatment and abuse, Ferenczi, Mucci, van der Kolk). Differences in dynamics and symptomatology among first, second and third generations of trauma. Difference between hand-made trauma and trauma due to natural catastrophies . Dissociation derives from Complex PTSD not from natural catastrophies (Liotti).
Difference between PTSD e PTSD complex
and absence of recognition of PTSD complex in DSM-5; PTSD Complex in PDM-2. Early relational trauma as in Schore; Dissociation (Schore. Liotti, Mucci, Ferenczi).
Neurobiology of traumatization and neurobiological underpinnings and transgenerazional transmission (Yehuda et others).
Manualized treatments: TFP ( Kernberg) MBT (Fonagy); some features DBT (Linehan).
Alien self (Fonagy); victim-persecutor dyad in personality disorders and their acting outs (Ferenczi, Mucci); interpersonal dynamics of forgiveness as it might evolve in the relationship with the therapist (implying the resolution of the identification of the self as victim and the self as persecutor, with shame and guilt) and a part identified with the aggressor aggressore (aggressività, rabbia, with aggressiveness and destructiveness) ) also against one's body (as we see in Personality disorders with self-harm, suicidality; eating disorders and problems in sexuality and sexual identity. Psychosomatic disorders.