The main purpose of the course is to provide students with a basic knowledge of the fundamental institutions of public / constitutional law, and, considering the placement of the discipline in the context of a degree course in Business Economics, a public law toolkit for in-depth study of today's world of business and market. For this pourpose, the study of the principles and tools of public environmental law will be studied in depth to allow students to verify the correspondence between the theoretical models of public law institutes and the distinctive material aspects of a specific sector, such as the environmental one, which is well suited to this end as it is characterized by strong general predictability on the evolutionary dynamics of the instruments of public law.
Finally, for those who will have to take the entire exam for 9 credits, it is expected to deepen the issues related to the rights and in particular the social ones in the legal system of the Republic.
More specifically, with reference to Dublin Descriptors, the course aims to the following objectives.
Knowledge and understanding:
- of the foundations of the general theory of law;
- of the sources of law in a multilevel perspective;
- of the main institutes of public and constitutional law and in particular of the forms of state and government, and in particular of the Italian one;
- of the freedom rights ;
- of the main partitions and principles of public environmental law;
- of social rights also in their historical evolution (for those who carry a 9CFU program)
Ability to apply knowledge and understanding:
- In recognition of the various institutions of public and constitutional law;
- in the solution of possible conflicts between sources of law;
- in the critical reading of the action of the public authorities and of the related deeds;
- in the application of the principles of environmental protection even in protected natural areas
- in the fruition and organization of social rights (for those who carry a 9CFU program)
Autonomy of judgment:
- with regard to the action of the public authorities with respect to the constitutional dictates in a multilevel perspective
- in particular with regard to legislative and regulatory acts issued in the environmental field;
- in particular with regard to legislative and regulatory acts issued in the context of social rights (for those who carry a 9CFU program).
Communication skills:
- Acquisition of an adequate technical-legal language in the field of public law.
Learning ability:
- Ability to find and consult autonomously the legal sources, also in a multilevel perspective, in the sectors of interest;
- Ability to find and consult normative and jurisprudential comments of interest.