a. A collection of readings selected by the teacher will be provided at the beginning of the course. The texts will offer an introduction to the study of television and new media. (If international students has issues with reading Italian, this selection will be only made of texts in English)
b. Daniela Cardini, Long TV. Le serie televisive viste da vicino, Milano, Unicopli 2017 (133 pages: if the students cannot read Italian, the teacher will suggest a different textbook)
c. One of the following books:
- Paola Brembilla, It's all connected. L'evoluzione delle serie TV statunitensi, Milano, Franco Angeli 2018 (pp. 192)
- Jason Mittel, Complex TV. Teoria e tecnica dello storytelling delle serie tv, Roma, minimum fax, 2017 (Introduction, chapters 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 10 – the book is also available in its original English version, published by New York University Press)
- Stuart Cunningham, David Craig, Social Media Entertainment: Quando Hollywood incontra la Silicon Valley, Roma, minimum fax, 2021 (Introduction, chap, 1, 2, 5, conclusion – the book is also available in its original English version, published by New York University Press).
d. A selection of articles and essays devoted to crime narratives and particularly contemporary TV crime dramas will be made available at the beginning of the course.