- Congenital (primary or specific and secondary) and acquired language impairments: definitions and clinical classification criteria
- Indirect rehabilitation through parental involvement (parent training e parent-coaching) for the early treatment of language impairment: presentation of interact and beyond the book methods.
- Speech therapist intervention for communication disorders (DSM-V): phonetic-phonological, lexical-semantic, morphosyntactic and pragmatic rehabilitation.
- Speech therapist intervention for secondary language disorders (DSM-V): hearing impairment, cranio, bucco-facial anomalies (cleft lip and cleft palate schisis), otitis.
- Speech therapist interventions for secondary language disorders (DSM-V): epilepsy, brain lesion/cerebral palsy, acquired aphasia, Landau Kleffner syndrome, traumatic brain injury.
- Speech therapist interventions for secondary language disorders (DSM-V): intellectual disability, language and social deprivation.
- Management of Childhood dysphonia
- Prompt method for the treatment of childhood apraxia of speech, developmental dysarthria, pervasive developmental disorders (autism spectrum disorder), language delay/disorder, aphasia.
- Augmentative, alternative communication (AAC) for the treatment of developmental disabilities, cerebral palsy in infants, intellectual disabilities, autism spectrum disorders.