Definition of language disorder according to DSM V and ICD 10; language levels; evaluation tools; Late talkers: early intervention with the INTERACT model; treatment of linguistic difficulties related to the semantic-lexical and morphosyntactic area; phonological disorder: main processes of simplification and treatment; verbal dyspraxia: differential diagnosis, notes on the main treatment methods; the treatment of narrative skills. Main rehabilitation methods in deafness. Prosthetic evaluation in hearing loss, counseling, hearing aid, cochlear implant, rehabilitation follow-up, new communication technologies.
Phonetics. Articulatory phonetics: way and place of articulation. The cardinal vowels and the Italian Phonetic transcription. Co-articulation.
Elements phonetics and acoustics perception. The evaluation of Specific Learning Disorders (Dyslexia, Dysorthography, Dyscalculia and Dysgraphia) in the light of the DSM 5 and the Consensus Conference.