- The fundamental and main theories of health promotion, the conceptual frameworks for the approach to the person and the community;
- Definition of health, health education, disease prevention, health education, therapeutic education, health promotion;
- The determinants of health;
- The international documents of reference for health promotion;
- Lifestyles, empowerment and life skills and peer education;
- Stress as a health risk factor;
- Transversal professional skills to support change;
- Reference theoretical models for health promotion interventions;
- From participatory methods for the definition of the need of a community to the main theories of reference;
- Differences between pathogenic and salutogenic model and relative patterns;
- The Precede - Proceed model for a community health diagnosis;
- The theoretical models for health education, basic elements and outline of active techniques for an educational intervention;
- Definition and characteristics of the group, status and roles and group model.