Aministrative Law
Prof: Melania D'Angelosante
Class : SEGI, 9 UFC
Department: Legal and Social Studies
This course aims at providing students with critical basic knowledge of admin law in context. Thus, the focus is on national and supranational sources of admin law, organisational patterns and functioning both at central and local government. The role of EU law will be particularly taken into account. Principles and rules regarding decision-making will constitute the core content of the course.
Within such a perspective the following topic will be addressed:
Sources of administrative law (supranational and domestic);
Institutional design and functioning of public administration, with regard both to central and local government as well as the EU dimension.
Administrative regulation and services, bureaucracy statutory rules, external review, public contracts.
Discretionary power and decision making
Administrative procedure and administrative rights.
Systems of redress
Sub modules:
I. Sources of admin law; EU law and the public administration; bureaucracy, politics and the law; central and local government; constitutional principles; independent and quasi-independent public bodies; public and private law (4 UFC)
II. Administrative regulation and services, public contracts; Discretionary power and decision making; Administrative procedure and administrative rights; Systems of redress, administrative courts (5 UFC).
Recommended textbook:
D. SORACE, Diritto delle amministrazioni pubbliche. Una introduzione, Il Mulino, last edition, pp. 611
(further readings are recommended on the e-learning platform during the course).