Language study:
Phonetics, accents and orthographic signs, the article, the negative form, the interrogative form, the feminine and the plural of nouns and adjectives, possessive and demonstrative adjectives, possessive and demonstrative pronouns, c'est / east , c'est / ce sont, the paradigm of verbs, the use of the auxiliary avoir e être, the indicative present, the imperfect and the near past, the false friends.
Listening, Reading, Understanding and Translation of Texts.
Lidia Parodi, Marina Vallacco, Julien Gauthier, LABO de GRAMMAIRE, Cideb editrice , 2016 (1° edizione).
Elisabeth Faure, Angéline Lepori- Pitre, Destination DELF B1, Cideb editrice, 2012.
R. Boch, Dizionario bilingue italiano-francese, Zanichelli, ult. ed.