"G. d'Annunzio"
There are no specific prerequisite constraints, nor specific knowledge and skills necessary for a profitable learning. Previous knowledge about the fundamentals of work and health psychology can however favor a better approach to the subject.
The course aims to improve knowledge about the elements that define the quality of occupational life and their relevance for the person's psycho-physical well-being. In particular, consistent with the general objectives of the CdS in Occupational Therapy, the course will focus on the topic of returning to work following acute or chronic disease events, the relevance of work as a potential therapeutic factor or possible psycho-social risks that they can undermine an adequate adaptation process. Students will also be offered operational tools for future professional practice.
The course is part of the integrated training activity of occupational psychology and, in line with the objectives of the course of study, it aims to provide cognitive and operational tools for the best possible quality of life for the patient, and in particular in relation to the work and employment context.
Argentero P., Fiabane E. (2016) Il rientro al lavoro, Cortina (Chapters. 1, 2, 9; one chosen by chapters 6, 7 e 8).
Any materials (slides or lecture notes) will be made available by the teacher to supplement the textbooks
The teaching includes 10 hours of frontal teaching. The frontal teaching is structured in lessons of two or three hours per lesson, during which theoretical contents will be provided. In agreement with the students, it will be possible to foresee the carrying out of a group or single work aimed at the deepening of a chosen theme. This optional test will be judged by the teacher and will contribute to the final evaluation.
Verification of learning will take place through an oral exam. Students will also be able to decide, in an optional way and in agreement with the teacher, to present a written paper, which can be the result of of a group work or individual work. This paper will be sent to the teacher by an agreed date and before the start of the exam sessions. This paper will be evaluated and, optionally, the student will be able to decide whether to integrate the mark obtained with the oral exam.
For explanations and clarifications, the teacher is available after email scheduling (gloria.guidetti@unich.it)