Year: 3°
Amount of credits: 12
Teaching methods: frontal lesson, informatic lab simulation.
In addition to lessons, students will write a subject of test whose will be reviewed by the professor during lessons and evaluated to pass the exam.
Learning outcomes
The learning outcome of the course is to deepen the knowledges related to the planning of people and resources in order to safely carry out a construction operation required in a predetermined time.
The course aims to provide the basic knowledge necessary for the design, installation and management of a construction site, addressing the problems related to the various stages of organization starting from the executive design developed according to working plans such as prefiguration and mandatory passage from the "plausible construction site" to the "actual construction site".The integrated course of "Organization and Safety in Construction Sites" also aims to provide knowledge on the historical evolution of the construction site and to deepen the problems related to the safely management of a construction site through the analysis of the different procedural stages that contribute to the realisation of a construction project, the skills of the people involved in the construction activity, the verification of the required human and material resources, the organization of safety and the prevention of injuries seen as a crucial component of the construction process, starting from design, through production, up to the management of the construction projects.The technological evolution of the construction site and the regulatory reference have also adopted european standards in our Country, recently focusing on the request for quality and characteristics tests on the products used for construction. All those working on construction sites (including construction managers, designers, testers and companies) need a quick and agile update to make correct choices in this specific context.The ambition of the course is to respond to the widespread demand for technological innovation in production that requires professionals able to compete with an increasingly demanding construction market and strongly integrated with the specific needs of construction companies.To develop a professional figure able to act with competence in the management of the complexity of the building production process, correlating the technical, constructive and procedural aspects related and aimed at the realization of the artifact. At the end of the course the students will have acquired a working methodology that will help them to use critically all the topics related to the subject and to face the complex problems of professional work.
The organisation:
aims of the course, hints of theory of the organisations; the definition of the targets, the control of the results, the efficiency and the effectiveness, corrective actions.
The construction site for construction works:
history; technological and organizational aspects.
Management of the construction site:
the roles involved in the realization of a work.
The Executive Project:
Structure of the technological system according to UNI 8290; acquisition and structuring of project data, study of the project and analysis of the context, separation of the intervention into working elements and construction phases.
The planning of work
work and construction site planning, study of building cycles, their relationships and interdependencies; planning techniques for linear and reticular works; programme of works.
The direction of work:
work and site planning, drafting of technical acts, keeping and checking of site records; roles and relationships with the client and contractor; execution and verification of works; related responsibilities.
The reference regulatory framework:
the rules and regulations in force for the realization of public works, the new single text for the building industry, the regulations in force for safety on building sites, the code of public and private contracts.
Layout and logistics of the construction site:
General services and site facilities; general site installation; installation of warehouses, construction of entrances and site circulation; management of resources and supplies.
Provisional works of art:
scaffolding and bridges on wheels, supporting works, formwork works.
Safety at the construction site:
type and location of collective means of protection (sides, canopies, vacuum protection, etc.); type and location of safety signs.
Installation and operation of plants and equipment:
Electrical plant for construction and protection against atmospheric discharges; Hydro-sanitary plant;Compressed air plant; Lifting and handling machines, concrete production plants, machines for cutting and processing materials.
Equipment of the construction site:
earthworks, excavations, surveyings; landfills; underground excavations; pilings, diaphragms; tie rods and anchorages; vibration and compaction of cls; lifting machines; cranes, automatic cranes, platforms and winches.
Summary of the general training framework and specific skills to be transferred:
1. Organization and operation of the construction site - representing the organisation of the construction site
2. Defining the professional and coordination roles - Construction site logistics
3. Defining the spatial and technical elements of the construction site - coordinating operations for the preparation of logistic spaces Safety at work and environmental protection
4. Ensure compliance with regulations and procedures
5. Controlling the safe use of tools and instruments - Technical design
6. Drawing up a technical operational plan of the work
7. Technical and economic evaluations - Technologies and materials
8. Coordinate the realisation of structural works - Coordinate the realization of structural works - Legislation of works in the building industry
9. To acquire contracts regulations
10. Analysing environmental impact provisions - Planning and control
11. Define the work schedule
12. Monitoring progress - Administration and accounting
13. Defining the economic budget
14. Keeping on-site accounts - Staff management
15. Organising working groups
16. Planning the professional development of staff
Method of evaluation:
The method of evaluation will first take into account the participation in the lessons of the course by each student;this participation will be attested by the signatures of presence in and out. The attendance signatures as well as attesting the real participation of each student in the lessons, at the end of the course will be finalized to the calculation of the hours for obtaining the certificate of Coordinator for the Safety in phase of Planning and Execution.
The final evaluation will also involve the active participation of students in reviews, which are an integral part of the course and will be carried out during the lessons. Students, in fact, will carry out a subject of test, alone or in group, that will lead them to draw up a Plan of Safety and Coordination accompanied by all papers and attachments. The revisions will be "choral" and the material produced by each group of students or by the individual student will be projected in the classroom for the sharing of design solutions, corrections, ideas, insights.Finally, during the exam, the evaluation criterion will take into account the specific knowledge of the subjects covered, the capacity to analyse and report on the various themes, the mastery of the technical language and the quality of the exercise theme carried out and revised during the course. These elements will be essential for the purpose of passing the exam.
Each candidate will be given questions on the basic topics discussed during the course, both technical and regulatory, taking as a starting point the subject of the project. It will also be asked to each of them to illustrate the management aspects of construction site studied. Each topic will be evaluated in a systemic form to reach an overall assessment of the preparation achieved, with corresponding numerical evaluation. The ability of individuals to deal transversally and interrelated with the different topics addressed in the course will also be significant for the final assessment.
Recommended books:
Mariano Bruno, Cantieri, metodi e strumenti di gestione e organizzazione, Legislazione Tecnica Editrice, 2016.
Marco L. Trani Cantieri Edili e Civili, progetto organizzazione e gestione, Maggioli editore 2012
Marco L. Trani, Organizzazione del cantiere, Libreria Clup, Milano, 2007.
Orazio Russo, Matelda Grassi, Direzione dei Lavori, Legislazione Tecnica Editrice, Roma, 2012.
Carlo Prestipino, Gestione della commessa e del cantiere edile, Leg. Tec. Editrice, Roma, 2013
A. Muzzolon, M. Sanfilippo, Manuale del Coord. per la Sicurezza,Leg. Tec. Editrice, Roma, 2015
Massimo Franchini,Valutaz. del Rischio e Sic. nelle organizzazioni,Leg. Tec. Ed., Roma, 2015
Michele Di Sivo, Ciro Lo Conte, Matteo Lettini, Progettare la Sicurezza, Alinea, Firenze, 2000.
Malinconico C. codice degli appalti pubblici e privati, Il Sole 24 Ore, Edizione 2008 - 2009.
Sanfilippo M., Muzzolan A. Sicurezza nei cantieri, Edizioni Legislazione Tecnica 2008
Albino V, Costantino N., Sivo G, Le costruzioni: mercato e impresa, Carocci, Roma 2000.
Dioguardi G., L’impresa nella società del terzo millennio, Laterza, Bari, 1996.
Dioguardi G., Le imprese rete, Bollati Boringhieri, Milano, 2007.
Lacava M. Solustri C. Progetto e sicurezza del Cantiere, NIS, Roma, 1996.
Picone M. Tecnologia della Produzione edilizia, Utet, Milano, 1984.
Auteri A. Dibennardo U. Pasqua A. , Il cantiere edile, NIS, Roma, 1996.
Amato R. Chiappi R. , Tecniche di project management, FrancoAngeli, Milano.
Gottfried A., Trani M.L. (a cura di), Il coordinatore per la sicurezza nelle costruzioni in fase di progettazione ed esecuzione, Maggioli, Rimini, 1997.
Zignoli V. Costruzioni edili, Utet, Torino, 1974.
Nicolardi A. Organizzazione e meccanizzazione del cantiere, Franco Angeli Editore, Milano, 1971
Teaching aids: Lecture notes provided by the teacher during the lessons are available in digital version on websiteof “Ingegneria delle costruzioni”.