"G. d'Annunzio"
Good knowledge of structural analysis and design and spreadsheet calculation
In depth knowledge of pre and post-tensioning analysis and design. Overview of the major application of the technology in the construction indistry.
Theory of pre and post tensioned concrete. Tha principal applications of pre and post-tensioned concrete members. The prestressing and post-tensioning technology.
Leonhardt, F. (1979): “C.A. & C.A.P. – Volume V - Il precompresso”
Petrangeli, M.P. (1997): “Progettazione e costruzione di ponti”, IV Ed. Masson
Petrangeli, M. (2020) "An introduction to bridge dewsign and construction" (dispense)
Lectures and exercises including the analysis and design of pre/post tensioned girder
Classwork and oral exam.