Prof. Lucia Serafini
A.A. 2021-2022
1. Purposes
The aim of the course is to provide the necessary skills, from a theoretical and practical point of view, to face the consolidation project of an existing building, specifically chosen, with obvious structural problems, accessible and such as to allow a close analysis in terms of relief and study of the instability. Basics of statics and construction science are an important requirement to access the course and understand its purpose and contents.
2. Contents
The course is divided into ex cathedra lessons and exercises. The lessons support the exercises, and concern questions of method and of a general nature, technical and construction site aspects.
2.1 Schedule of lessons
- The current debate and the main method proposals.
- The legislative context on anti-seismic consolidation.
- Problematic nodes of consolidation: compatibility, minimal intervention, reversibility,
- What materials for the consolidation? Relationship between technical choices and respect for the building.
- The main cases of structural instability.
- The vertical structures: the walls
- Horizontal structures: vaults, floors, roofs
- Detection of structural instability: assessment, sampling, in situ and laboratory tests.
- Non-destructive tests: x-ray, ultrasound, thermography.
- Moisture and structural damage: reading and representation methods.
- The restoration of vertical and horizontal structures: guidelines
2.2 Schedule of exercises
The exercises follow a path that gradually reaches the design phase from the cognitive phase. The stages of this path can be summarized as follows: historical-critical investigation, survey, examination of materials and construction techniques, analysis of degradation, proposal for consolidation. The works, duly endorsed by the teacher, will be delivered according to agreed deadlines and consequently assessed as progress status of the work as a whole; must be completed by the end of the course and will be an integral part of the final exam. The tables, numbered progressively, will be in the format and number suggested by the teacher, and will include, among other indications -university, faculty, laboratory, teacher, academic year, study theme, topic of the single table- the names of the authors for extended. A copy of the work, along with a copy on CD, will be retained by the teacher for the course archive. The verification of the results achieved by the students will be partly conducted during the course and partly at the end of this through the final exam. The exam will be based on the discussion of the topics covered in class and on the topic of the exercise, with particular regard to the project results obtained.
During the course, classroom exercises will be held in the presence of the teacher.
Among the prerequisites of the course there are basic knowledge on statics and the science of construction
Basic bibliography
*General treatments
-E. Benvenuto, La scienza delle costruzioni e il suo sviluppo storico, Sansoni, Firenze 1991.
*Specific texts
- “Linee guida per la valutazione e la riduzione del rischio sismico del patrimonio culturale” (scaricabile dal sito del Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali:
- S. MASTRODICASA, Dissesti statici delle strutture edilizie, Hoepli, Milano 1989
- A. GIUFFRÈ, Letture sulla meccanica delle murature storiche, Roma, 1988.
G. CIGNI, Il consolidamento murario. Tecniche di intervento, Kappa, Roma 1997 (I ediz. 1978).
L. BARUCHELLO, G. ASSENZA, Diagnosi dei dissesti e consolidamento delle costruzioni. Manuale pratico, Roma, D.E.I. – Tipografia del Genio Civile, 1998
G. CROCI, Conservazione e restauro strutturale dei beni architettonici, Utet, Torino 2001
S. P. ROCCHI (a cura di), Trattato sul consolidamento, Mancosu, Roma 2003
E. GIURIANI, Consolidamento degli edifici storici, in G. Carbonara (a cura di ) Trattato di Restauro Architettonico, Utet, Torino 2011
* Additional bibliographical indications will be provided during the course according to the topics covered.