Master degree of Building Engeenering (class LM24)
Sustainability and Energy
Integrated course:
Sustainable Building Design
(6 CFU ICAR/10 Sustainable Architectural Design + 6 CFU ICAR/21 Sustainable Urban Design).
Sustainable Architectural Design
Prof. Filippo Angelucci
1. Teaching language
ITALIAN (Lessons and exercise revisions)
ENGLISH (Exercise revisions)
2. Contents
The teaching course of Sustainable Architectural Design (6 CFU ICAR/10) is the only teaching belonging to the disciplinary macro-sector of Design and Technological Planning of Architecture and is also part of the integrated course of Sustainable Building Design (6 CFU ICAR/10 Sustainable Architectural Design + 6 CFU ICAR/21 Sustainable Urban Design).
The teaching activities are aimed at the acquisition of theoretical knowledge, approaches, tools and methodologies of technological-environmental design that allow the student to acquire integrated quality control skills for the project of architectural organism, developing appropriate design skills for environmental, energy, economic and social sustainability of the building systems.
The ability to build cultural, social, ecological, economic and technological connections with the context of architectural production and to weave relationships between the building system and the environmental resources (natural, energy and human) and its constraints (regulatory, legislative, requirements) is essential to transfer knowledge, skills and competences already acquired by students coming from the three-year degree course in Building Engineering (Class L23) into the design process.
The course will address the issues concerning:
- the cultural basis of the technological-environmental design;
- the tools and methods of the Performance Based Approach and Evidence Based Approach for the sustainable design of architecture;
- the process of analysis, interpretation and designing definition of the sustainable architectural organism;
- the tools for the integrated project quality control;
- the process for the design and management of the energy behavior of the architectural organism;
- the basic knowledge for the management of the informational aspects for the pre-feasibility of project.
3. Bibliographical references
Fundamental books for the final examination:
- Brophy, V., Lewis, J.O. (2011), A Green Vitruvius: Principles and Practice of Sustainable Architectural Design, Second edition, Routledge, London.
- Angelucci, F. ed. (2011), La costruzione del paesaggio energetico, FrancoAngeli, Milano, I.
Other recommended readings for thematic and specific topics will be indicated during the exercise activities.
Additional teaching materials will be delivered by e-mail directly to the students during the lessons.
4. Educational goals
The teaching of Sustainable Architectural Design is aimed at addressing the integrated environmental design issues of the built environment transformation processes at the building level, to provide the student with the basic and operational knowledge for the development of a technological-environmental sustainability responsibility.
This general objective is part of the integrated course of Sustainable Building Design focusing on the aspects of the building process of the environment, through which it is possible to conceive, control and verify the transformative actions in a way that is congruent with the characters of the context and according with natural and anthropic factors.
The design approach that arises from these ethical and technological-environmental assumptions follows a logic of prediction and planning of transformative actions centered on the integrated ex ante control of the project contextual variables, the strategies for using resources, the technological-environmental meta-design of the architectural organism, the development of scenarios, vision and concepts of evolutionary intervention, the in progress management of the building solutions adequacy, the ex post checking of adaptable building technologies.
The specific goals of the teaching are aimed at:
- provide an overall framework of the main project technologies for the sustainable architecture (knowledge);
- acquire the approaches, methods and tools for controlling the qualitative sustainability requirements of the architectural organism and its conservative, selective, adaptive and regenerative energy behaviors (knowledge);
- develop technological-environmental design experiences for integrated and multidimensional sustainability, through quality control tools, meta-design, modeling and scenarization of design alternatives (skills);
- develop of sustainable and energetically appropriate building strategies through procedures for measuring the project phases of the design (skills);
- develop design skills regarding the coherence between available resources and the definition of the construction system, the economic, ecological and social congruence of the technological options, the critical and judgment skills on the functional, ethical, expressive and symbolic aspects of the architectural organism (capacity);
- define planning/design management skills about: the life cycle of the building organism, the dimensions that influence the use and transformation of resources, the quality and sustainability of the habitat, the technological innovations for sustainability (capacity).
At the end of the lessons and exercises, also considering the activities that will be conducted in a coordinated way within the integrated course of Sustainable Building Design (6 CFU ICAR / 10 Sustainable Architectural Design + 6 CFU ICAR / 21 Sustainable Urban Design), students must demonstrate:
- knowing how to recognize the factors and actors that interact in the context (who works in the environmental system, the categories of users and the main environmental pressure factors);
- knowing how to read and frame environmental phenomena at the spatial and temporal scale (where and when the processes of use and transformation of the environmental system take place, identification of the requirements system);
- knowing how to distinguish processes and functions of the environmental system (what happens in the environmental system, the system of uses and behavior of users) and of the technological system (performance requirements and their measurability);
- knowing how to codify the methods of use and transformation of the living space (how processes take place and evolve with the environmental and technological systems;
- knowing how to interpret the reasons and problems of the transformation of the urban and building habitat, foreseeing the quality requirements and evaluating their performance towards and integrated urban-architectural design resolution.
5. Pre-requirements
There are no specific prerequisites for the entry. However, it is required to have taken all the exams of the ICAR/10, ICAR/11 and ICAR/12 Scientific Disciplinary Sectors foreseen in the three-year course of Building Engineering (class L23) or any other three-year degree course.
6. Teaching methods
The teaching methods and support activities include:
- ex cathedra lessons;
- theoretical/practical training activities (by groups and/or individuals) coordinated with the integrated course of Sustainable Building Design;
- thematic focus initiatives coordinated with the integrated course of Sustainable Building Design;
- checking meeting of exercise activities (by groups and/or individuals).
7. Other informations
Period of teaching activities: Second semester
- Registration for the course is necessary.
- It is recommended the attendance of lessons because applicative and planning nature of the teaching.
- Exam scheduling will be communicated according to the general planning of the master’s degree Course in Building Engineering (class LM24).
- Specific training courses will be agreed for the students entitled to exemption from lessons attendance.
8. Ways of learning verifications
During the exercises, the topics addressed in the lessons will be studied focusing their application and design sense.
Intermediate deliveries of individual and/or group exercises are foreseen for monitoring individual students progress of knowledge, skills and competences.
The final exam will focus on the theoretical and methodological topics addressed in the lessons, on their operational transfer in design exercises and on the ability of the individual student to orient himself toward coherent decisions within the activities of the integrated course of Sustainable Building Design.
The exam is individual and oral; candidates will be evaluated out of thirty.