G.F. CAMPOBASSO, Manual of Commercial Law, ult. edition, Utet Giuridica, Turin (Introduction; Chapters from 1 to 5; from 10 to 21; 25; from 40 to 43);
- or as an alternative -
M. CIAN (edited by), Commercial Law Manual, ult. edition, Giappichelli, Turin (Introduction; §§ from 1 to 9; from 20 to 21; from 35 to 57; from 62 to 64; from 68 to 70)
G. SANTONI-F. BRIOLINI-G.M. BUTA-F. ACCETTELLA, Le società a responsabilità limitata, Giappichelli, Turin, 2022 (Chapters from I to VI; Chapter XIV)