Roman law in Europe and the Western Roman tradition; The history of Roman law; The sources of law (leges, plebiscita, senatus consulta, magistrates’ edicts, constitutiones principum, responsa prudentium); Ius civile-ius naturale-ius gentium; Public and private law; The late imperial codes and the Corpus iuris civilis; The Gaian institutional tripartition; The law of persons: liberty, citizenship, slavery, foreigners, immigrants, the Roman family, patria potestas, marriage; Things and their classification; Property and possession; Ways of acquiring property; Iura in re aliena (servitude, usufruct, emphyteusis, surface, pledge and mortgage); Inheritance law; Donations; Law of obligations (constituent elements and sources of obligatio); Classification of obligations; Aquilian liability and liability for non-performance; dolus and culpa; The criterion of diligence; The Roman civil procedure: legis actiones, formulae, cognitiones extra ordinem.