"G. d'Annunzio"
- Management of the patient with special needs: dental care and psychological approach - Dental anomalies - Systemic Consequences of poor oral health - Periodontal disease in the hospitalized patient - Oro-dental and maxillofacial trauma prevention in the hospitalized patient - Precancerous and traumatic oral lesions - Oral pathology in the paediatric patient
TEXTBOOK: "Igiene orale personalizzata.Trattamento dei pazienti con patologie sistemiche e portatori di Handicap" Abbinante et altri Elseiver Masson 2002
Traditional lessons
Oral exam
Office hours: Monday 10-12am, phone 0871-3554083 room 11, 2nd floor, 3rd level, building A, at istologia implantare lab. In addition to weekly office hours, students can always contact via email gio.iezzi@unich.it