Analysis and study of case studies of similar architectural and functional projects (first part) and analysis of a project with a collective architectural character, for example: a school / civic-center) in relation to the identical characteristics of the area in which the design and to the relevant legislation (Ministerial Decree of 1975 and the Regulations of the "good school").
The teaching activity is integrated within the objectives and themes of the agreement between the DdA and the Municipality of Pizzoferrato (responsible: Alberto Ulisse).
Francesco Cellini, Manualetto
Bruno Zevi, Saper vedere l’architettura
Maurizio Vitta, Dell’abitare. Corpi spazi oggetti immagini
Herman Hertzberger, Spazi a misura d’uomo
Giancarlo De Carlo, Lo spazio, realtà del vivere insieme
Carlos Matì Arìs, La centina e l’arco
Carlos Matì Arìs, Le variazioni dell’identità
Alvar Aalto, Architecture, Design, and Art
For Architectural Composition 3 the objectives are:
- to acquire the tools for the analysis of a territorial context also in relation to the infrastructural networks to identify the themes for the transformation and the conditions for the insertion of architectural artefacts;
- to experiment the path of defining an architectural-functional program for an architectural project in its technical and formal characteristics and in its relations with public spaces;
- to acquire the ability to give coherent form to the architectural-functional program for a building for public use, as well as the ability to control the scales of the project, in particular from the urban scale to that of the executive detail.
Knowledge and theoretical-practical skills of the architectural project, linked to the preparatory aspects of the Composition 1 and Composition 2 courses.
Lectures, teaching experiences and knowledge of projects with external guests, seminars and study of reference projects, site inspection and knowledge of the site, study through drawings and maquettes of the design experimentation of the year.
Other information will be communicated in the classroom
Intermediate deliveries: verification of the state of knowledge of the reference projects and of the theories of architectural design;
Final delivery: preparation of drawings and model of the project (final exhibition)