Definition of:
- Critical area, critical patient, intensive care.
- Structural and architectural aspects of the emergency room and intensive care unit.
- The organizational aspect in the critical area. Evaluation and monitoring of the person in critical life condition.
- Specific emergency medicines. Cardiorespiratory resuscitation.
-Invasive and non-invasive monitoring of cardiovascular function: (P.A, PVC, Swan Ganz, EGA from arterial cannula).
- Monitoring of respiratory function: respiratory supports, mechanical ventilation, (nursing management of endotracheal tube and suction of bronchial secretions).
- Management of the tracheotomized patient. Rapid emergency response systems in hospitals (Medical emergency team alert - Met al).
- Shock: hypovolemic, anaphylactic, cardiogenic.
-Pain management in critical areas.
- The nutritional needs of the critically ill person.
- Definition of brain death and organ donor problems. Assistance to the patient in a coma.
- The need to communicate in critical situations.
- Triage.
- 118: laws, organisation, structure, personnel, means and safeguards.
- Role of the nurse in the 118 Operations Center (C.O.): the Dispatch, the computer system, crews, primary and secondary interventions, the use of radios, cartography, health cards, color codes.
- Role of the nurse on the type A resuscitation ambulance: operational protocols, timing, team leader, tools supplied, vehicle furnishings, individual protective devices.
- Local rescue: patient with illness, psychiatric patient, neutological patient, polytraumatized patient, with chest pain, with heart attack, patient with cardiac arrest:
-standard procedures for patients with burns and hemorrhagic patients.
-Shockable rhythms: use of the AED, algorithms according to the American Heart Association guidelines.
- Role of the nurse in the team in the stabilization, immobilization, loading and transport of a victim.
- Immobilization devices, techniques and procedures.
- Life-saving devices: intraosseous infusion system and supraglottic devices.
- Major emergencies: role of the nurse in the event of natural disasters, the COM, the PMA, MEDEVAC.
-Helicopter rescue: role of the nurse in a helicopter