• Define Mental Health by contextualizing it in the national and European scenario
• Describe the historical evolution of theoretical models, laws and the organization of psychiatric care
• Learn the foundations of relational dynamics in nursing care, relating to the patient
mental health and his living environment, to plan nursing care and be responsible for it.
• Describe the tools necessary for conscious management of the communicative-relational aspects
in the relationship with the patient, with the family and with the treatment team.
• Describe the historical evolution of theoretical models, laws and the organization of psychiatric care
• Recognize pharmacological therapies - drugs and their expected and unwanted effects
• Describe the most current theoretical orientations in psychiatry and clinical psychology (neuro-biological, psychodynamic, social, etc.) and the interpretative models of mental suffering
• Recognize psychological suffering in illness stories
• Identify the main defense mechanisms
• Identify the care strategies and management methodologies (interview techniques, assessment tools, no restraint approaches, etc.) that can be adopted to deal with the person's mental suffering (aggression, resistance to therapeutic treatments, etc.)
• Describe the main psychopathological pictures, including problems of pathological dependence and the most frequently used drugs (indications, side effects, toxicity)
Outline the legislative, ethical and deontological aspects and health policy directions regarding mental health
• Identify the clinical aspects that influence the phases of the patient's diagnostic therapeutic care path (PDTA) (reception, taking charge, treatment/planning, discharge/follow-up)
• Recognize the need to activate and involve the patient's socio-emotional network in the treatment project also through therapeutic education and rehabilitation programs
• provide the foundations of psychopathology and history of psychiatry and a basic knowledge of the physiopathology, clinic, nosographic classification and treatment of the main psychiatric pathologies. An overview of the organization of local psychiatric care will also be provided.
• Provide systematic and updated knowledge in the various sectors of psychological disciplines, as well as biological (molecular, metabolic, physiological) and clinical (neurological, psychiatric,
neurobiological) which are the basis of knowledge on psychic processes, and of the anthropological, epistemological and ethical disciplines fundamental for understanding the cultural and ethical dimension of interventions for the promotion, maintenance and recovery of health and well-being conditions
within public and private institutions for individuals at all stages of the life span.
• provide operational and application skills, including psychodiagnostics and psychological consultancy, for people affected by physical and mental, cognitive and emotional disorders, skills and
updated tools for the communication and management of information, experiences and professional skills in the field of direct services to people, groups, organizations and communities in the specific field of competence and for the exchange of general information