NURSIGN AS A SCIENCE. Support history. Florence Nightingale: life, the Crimean war, speeches, the oath. From 1800 to the present day. Regulatory development of assistance. The nurse today. Nursign process: probelm solving, scientific problem solving, process phases (assessment, planning, implementation, evaluation). The bifocal model (Carpenito): collaborative problem, functional models of health. Coding system: NANDA, NIC, NOC. Classification, why nursing diagnosis?, advantages. Competencies in the current healthcare context (Law 43 of 2006): responsibility. The new requests of the SSN (yesterday and today): which guidelines? Nursing research: how to read a scientific article, hierarchy of evidence, structure of the article,
NEED FOR POWER. Symbolic meaning of nourishment. Main nutrients. Notes on the anatomy of the digestive system. Elements of physiology of the digestive system. Normal nutrition: at various stages of life, influencing factors, manifestation of impaired nutrition. Nutrition in particular physiological and pathological states. Special diets. Feeding disorders in hospital: method of distribution of food, assistance of the person during feeding. Enteral feeding. Nasogastric tube (NGT): purposes, contraindications, various types of tubes, introduction routes, Levin tube, Salem tube, feeding tube, positioning procedures, material, procedure, complications, removal, diets, formulation. Administration: supporting acts, material, procedure, risks and complications. PEG: indications, management, complications. Total parenteral nutrition: indications, metabolic and non-metabolic complications.
NEED TO ELIMINATE. URINARY ELIMINATION: historical notes, definition and purposes, bladder catheterization parameters (parameters: caliber, material and consistency, number of ways, proximal end), most common catheters (tiemann, foley). Catheterization in men: primary indications, self-management and care giver, material required, preparation of the patient, sterile field, urethral meatus disinfection, lubricate the urethra, choice of catheter, before catheterization, catheterization, verification, bladder emptying, recommendations after the procedure. Catheterization in women: preparation of material, patient, sterile field, disinfection of the urethral meatus, before catheterization, catheterization, verification, bladder emptying, final operations. Summary. Problems in procedure, supporting acts. Catheter removal. Incontinence aids: pads, sheaths or condoms. Urinary disorders: urine characteristics, functional pattern of urinary elimination, factors affecting urinary elimination, nutrition, psychological factors, impaired urinary function, symptoms, drugs, definitions of various forms, application of the nursing process. Sterile and non-sterile urine tests, 24h collection. INTESTINAL ELIMINATION: physiological concepts, manifestations of impaired evacuation, constipation (signs and symptoms, predisposing factors), diarrhea (criteria, clinical manifestations, physiopathology, causes, signs and symptoms and complications), intestinal incontinence (causes, consequences) . Nursing assessment (subjective and objective data). Macroscopic and microscopic characters. Nursing interventions in intestinal alterations. Laxatives: oral, mass regulators, osmotic laxatives, stimulant contact, emollients. Evacuation enema: purposes, action, types, large volume, flow, solutions, temperature, procedure. Fecal impaction: removal, procedure, complications. Stool collection for examinations: macroscopic characteristics, chemical-physical examination, coproculture, parasitology, scotch test.
THERAPIES. General principles: drugs or medicines, pharmaceutical types (solid, liquid, semi-solid), DM n. 739, prescription therapy, professional responsibilities, drug management guidelines, structural and management requirements, drug register, operational criteria, disposal, rule 7G. Non-parenteral therapy: enteral (oral, buccal, sublingual), inhalation, topical. Oral therapy: formulations, considerations, preliminary activities, preparation of the material, of the drug, various types of formulations, procedure, concluding activities. Topical therapy: advantages, disadvantages, preliminary activities, preparation of the material, of the patient, procedure, concluding activities. Various formulations: ointments, lotions, ointments and gels, powders, transdermal and transcutaneous patches, powders, sprays. Instillation and irrigation of the ocular mucosa: definitions and differences, procedures. Instillation and irrigation of the ear canal: definition, procedure. Nasal administration: procedure. Vaginal administration: formulations, general notes. Rectal administration: formulations, general notes. Administration by inhalation: general notes, nebulizers, ultrasonic nebulizers, pneumatic nebulizers. Sublingual administration. Parenteral therapy: intradermal, subcutaneous, intramuscular, intravenous, intraarterial, intraosseous. Intradermal injections: general rules, preliminary activities, material preparation, patient preparation, injection sites, environment preparation, site preparation, procedure, concluding activities. Mantoux tuberculin test. Allergy tests. Subcutaneous injection: general rules, preliminary activities, material, drug preparation, patient, locations, site preparation, environment, procedure, concluding activities. Insulin: seats. Heparin: seats. Intramuscular injection: preliminary activities, material preparation, drug, drug powder, injection sites, identification of landmarks in the various sites, site preparation, procedure, concluding activities, complications, procedure variation. Drug calculation and dosing: drug units, problems, fractions, proportions, percentages, intravenous infusion rate calculation, infusion sets, factors affecting infusion rate, blockage of sets, needles overview. Micro-infusion sets: mechanical (volumetric pump, peristaltic, syringe, elastomeric), electronic (how to prepare), elastomeric (characteristics, factors influence the flow. Basics of intravenous therapy: indication, objectives, advantages, disadvantages, risks, physiology characteristics of electrolytes, signs and symptoms of imbalances, osmolarity, types of solutions, various types of solutions, routes, methods of administration, advantages and disadvantages Peripheral venous catheterization: indications, advantages, disadvantages, choice of vein, recommendations, measures of catheters, types of needles, skin antisepsis, gauze and breathable plaster dressings, complications Use of flow regulators and infusion pumps: mechanical infusion systems: volumetric pump, peristaltic pump, syringe pump, elastomeric pump How to assist a pump, pump alarm, what affects the flow Wraps and bandages: what is it? Various shapes: common, elastic, functional, guidelines, basic rotation types (circular, spiral, reverse spiral, recurring, figure eight), activity preliminaries, material required, procedure of the various rounds, desault, various types of bandage. End of life care: etymology, maladjustment syndrome, triggering events, nursing process, palliative care, objectives, euthanasia, preparation of the body, death: biological, clinical, apparent, sudden, clinical pictures.
Scientific articles