Part I (6 cfu):
- The Business Information System (definition, objectives, and requisites of the BIS; the Information Production Process; the BIS for supporting the business activities; the XBRL language for the business financial communication);
- The contribution of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to the process management (definition and classifications of the process; Process Management, Business Process Improvement, Business Process Reengineering, the Venkatraman Model);
- The evolution of the BISs and the ERP systems (EDP, MRP, CIM, ERP);
- The inter-company relationships and the extended ERP (CRM, SCM, B2B operators, and services);
- The Information Systems for the strategy (BI, BSC, SEM);
- Choose and manage an ERP project (ERP implementation, the cycle time of an ERP in the small business).
Part II (3 cfu):
- The SAP (overview, FI - financial accounting module, CO-controlling module);
- The IT outsourcing;
- The virtualization and the cloud computing;
- The security of the business information.