The course provides knowledge about the analysis of compex data. The course aims to provide the student with the tools to
extract relevant information from large amounts of data, with particular attention to statistical learning (statistical learning) both in a predictive
and non-supervised context (supervised and non-supervised learning).
The course aims at completing student's training with notions and tools useful to deepen the aspects of multivariate statistical analysis. The training will then be completed and enriched by the following skills:
Knowledge and understanding / Applying knowledge and understanding
- Knowledge of statistical concepts for multivariate analysis and related specialized terminology
- Ability to apply the principles of statistical reasoning in the preparation and interpretation of company reports
- Ability to use R and MATLAB software for statistical analysis
Making judgements
- To learn the logical and statistical concepts that are indispensable for working independently in the research, selection and processing of
complex data .
Communication skills
- Learn the terminology and statistical techniques of multivariate analysis to communicate or correctly discuss the results of the analysis of
complex data