CdS Sustainable Habitat Sciences
2nd year
6 credits
Prof. Massimo Angrilli
Course program
A.A. 2023/2024
Course Objectives
The Theory and Techniques of Urban Planning course aims to provide students with the notions and tools to understand urban and territorial phenomena in their complexity; to interpret the relationships that link the transformation processes of the city and the territory with the theories and tools of the urban planning discipline and to evaluate urban and territorial transformations according to the principles of environmental sustainability
The course consists of two teaching modules and an exercise module, conducted in parallel and in close mutual relationship and propose a multi-level reading of the urban planning discipline, alternating moments of theoretical in-depth analysis with others of direct comparison with practical experiences.
During the exam, the level of learning of the concepts addressed during the theoretical modules and in the reading of the texts indicated in the bibliography will be assessed through an individual oral exam, accompanied by a test relating to the exercise module.
Educational modules
1. Historical and theoretical foundations of urban planning
The first teaching module addresses the phases of the formation of the discipline by investigating the ways in which Urban Planning was formed and developed, starting from its first conceptual and theoretical elaborations up to the phases of consolidation as an autonomous discipline and as a recognizable field of professional practices .
In this module, reference will be made to a series of definitions and experiences, developed starting from the 19th century, which clarified the meaning and role of the urban planning discipline.
In particular, the socio-economic dynamics that led to the development of the modern city and the reformatory and utopian ideas that contributed to the formation of a specific knowledge, that of urban planning, will be illustrated. Reference will be made to a body of theories coming from disparate sources, from urban utopias, from treatises on cities, from manuals, from scientific (and non-scientific) literature and from cinema. This module will illustrate some city models that have had a significant impact on the history of urban planning
2. Technical and legislative foundations of urban planning
The second module is dedicated to reading and understanding the fundamental elements of technical urban planning and will therefore refer, also with concrete examples, to the traditional and recent urban planning tools with which territorial transformations are governed (PRG/PSC; PTC; complex programs.). Furthermore, some specific technical aspects will be addressed such as urban planning parameters and indices, building types and network infrastructures. Finally, concrete cases of urban planning will be analysed, with the aim of understanding the mechanisms of formation and implementation.
Exercise module
The practical activities are aimed at making the student familiar with the main tools of the analysis and critical interpretation of urban phenomena.
The activities will take place in the classroom, the students will have to participate assiduously by carrying out the elaborations progressively and according to a program that will be established during the first lessons. The exercises will be applied to an urbanized area of the city of Pescara, which will be investigated under multiple profiles: physical, social, historical, legislative... and with the aid of a series of support materials provided by the chair (Basic Cartographies and themes, historical maps and photos, consolidated descriptions, extracts from urban planning tools...).
The objective of the exercise is to enable the student to acquire the ability to read and interpret the urban fabric and the characteristics of the intervention context, and to allow the understanding of the urban planning tools that govern it.
I module (Historical and theoretical foundations of urban planning)
I module (Historical and theoretical foundations of urban planning)
Mandatory text
L. Benevolo, Le origini dell'urbanistica moderna, Laterza, Bari, 1963.
II module (Technical and legislative foundations of urban planning)
Mandatory text
P. Gabellini, Tecniche urbanistiche, Carocci, Rome, 2001. Chapters 4 and 5
4. Parametri e indici
5. Standard urbanistici
6. Zonizzazione
7. Esproprio
8. Perequazione urbanistica
10. Grandi riferimenti
10.1 La città compatta: l’Ensanche di Barcellona
10.2 La città per nuclei conclusi: la Garden City
10.4 La città distribuita linearmente: la Ciudad Lineal
10.7 La città estesa: Broadacre City
10.9 La città funzionale 2: la Ville Radieuse
During the course, the chapters of the volumes to be studied and read will be indicated and suggestions will be given on any further in-depth texts.