"G. d'Annunzio"
no prerequisites are required.
The course provides the basic principles for the study of slope stability conditions. In particular, two fundamental aspects will be treated: -design of site and laboratory geotechnical investigations aimed at defining the geotechnical model; - stability analysis using limit equilibrium methods and numerical methods.
-Receive on the resistance of the lands. -Setting the study of a complex landslide. - Design of site and laboratory geotechnical investigations. - Methods of stability analysis of slopes: classical and numerical.
-Receive on the resistance of the lands. -Setting the study of a complex landslide. - Design of site and laboratory geotechnical investigations. - Limit equilibrium methods: approximate (Fellenius, Bishop and Jambu) and rigorous (Morgenstern and Price, GLE, Spencer, Sarma) - Numerical modelling (Flac 2D)
P.Canuti, U. Crescenti, V. Francani, Geologia applicate all’ambiente. Casa Editrice Ambrosiana
Camillo Airò Farulla, Analisi di stabilità dei pendii. Hevelius Edizioni
Material and handouts provided by the teacher.
Frontal lessons, exercises in the computer room.
Oral exam, presentation of a paper.
There is a reception for students on days and times to be agreed. Email: monia.calista@unich.it tel: 08713556145.