Leopardi's Operette Morali: a modern classic.
Reading Operette Morali is an extremely interesting and formative challenge, because it requires several hermeneutic and interdisciplinary means. In fact, knowledge of literary history, philosophy, rhetoric, stylistics, history, linguistics are essential. Therefore, Operette Morali is an exceptional field of study to sharpen critical tools and investigate Italian literature from Leopardi's lucid and eclectic perspective. Operette Morali will be read in the light of Enlightenment and Romantic theories and considering the articulated intertextuality that they contain. The aim is to dig up the different and topical aspects that this now classic text foresees.
M.A. Bazzocchi, Leopardi, Il Mulino, 2021.
A. Del Gatto, Quel Punto acerbo. temporalità e conoscenza metaforica in Leopardi, Firenze, Olschki, 2012 (fino a p. 70: capitoli 1, 2, 3, 4)
G. Leopardi, Operette morali, a cura di Laura Melosi, BUR, 2008.