1. A. Diddi, Manuale di diritto penitenziario, Pacini Giuridica, Pisa, 2024, pages 21-242 (chaps. I-VI), 273-392 (chaps. VIII-IX), 429-464 (chaps. XII).
2. Materials provided by the teacher.
1. A. Diddi, Manuale di diritto penitenziario, Pacini Giuridica, Pisa, 2024.
2. A. Scalfati (eds.), Manuale di diritto processuale penale, Giappichelli, Turin, 2023, pages 987-1060 (part XIV, chaps. I-II).
All students must know the Constitution, the supranational sources, the penitentiary system and the execution regulation (Presidential Decree 230/2000) in the parts included in the program.