The Pharmacy Degree offers scientific basis, theoretical and practical knowledge necessary to practice the profession of Pharmacist and operate as an expert on drugs and health products, such as cosmetics, dietetics, nutritionals, herbs, diagnostic and chemical-clinical aids, medical-surgical aids, sanitary articles, pesticides, etc. With the attainment of the Pharmacy Degree and the relative professional qualification, valid through European Union, the graduate carries out, according to the directive 85/432 / CEE, the profession of Pharmacist and is authorized to carry out the following professional activities: - prepare medicine in industries; - control medicine in public or private laboratories; - control storage, preservation and distribution of medicine at the wholesale stage; - prepare and control storage and distribution of medicine in pharmacies open to the public and hospitals; - disseminate informations and advice in the field of medicine, cosmetic, dietetic, nutritional and herbal products for the maintenance and protection of health status; - control formulation, production, packaging, quality, stability and toxicity of cosmetic products; - control and prepare the production of pesticides; - analyse and control the chemical-physical and hygienic characteristics of mineral waters; -analyse and control the quality of food products, including products intended for particular nutritional use and dietetic products; - control the production of medical and medical-surgical devices; control transformation, mixing, concentration and fractionation of parts of plants and their derivatives, both for therapeutic and wellness purposes. The professional profile of the Pharmacist is an operator in the health area who, in the context of his multidisciplinary scientific and technological (chemical, biological, pharmaceutical, pharmacological, toxicological, legislative and deontological) competences, contributes to the achievement of the objectives defined by the National Health Service, and responds adequately to the changing needs of society in the health field. In analogy to the training processes in other European countries and taking into account the set of theoretical and practical knowledge in the biological and pharmaceutical fields, the graduates in Pharmacy have to face an entire sequence of complex multidisciplinary processes that from structural design lead to production and control of drugs, according to the rules codified in the pharmacopoeias. The Pharmacy Degree also provides an adequate scientific preparation to operate in the pharmaceutical industry. Furthermore, the Pharmacy Degree can provide access to university research, allowing the acquisition of academic positions in the biological and chemical-pharmaceutical sciences. The admission of students is limited to 176 units, including 2 positions reserved for non-EU residents. Enrollment in School of Pharmacy requires a five-year secondary school diploma or other foreign country recognized qualifications. An Italian language test is required for foreign students. Supplemental training courses (OFA) in Mathematics, Physics, Biology and General and Inorganic Chemistry are mandatory for candidate students who score low level in a specific test performed after enrollment. More informations are available in the dedicated section. Course attendance is mandatory. The procedures for admission will be published on the website Offices and reference persons: Director of the Department of Pharmacy Prof. Amelia Cataldi Dean of School of Pharmacy Prof. Luigi Brunetti Secretary's office Cinzia Molino