The course aims to review and apply the rules previously studied, with the completion of Modern Standard Arabic grammar: complementary knowledge about the name and the verb, verbs with more irregularities, syntax of complex sentence, conditional sentence and indirect interrogative sentence, hal sentence, passive of regular and derived verbs, incoative verbs, computer language, courtesy sentences.
- L. Veccia Vaglieri , M. Avino, Grammatica Teorico-Pratica della Lingua Araba, Roma, IPOCAN 2011 (I, II vol.)
- O. Durand, A. D. Langone, G. Mion, Corso di arabo contemporaneo, Hoepli, 2010.
-Al-Warraki, Harb, Building Arabic Vocabulary through Reading, AUC Press, Cairo 2013
-TRAINI R., Vocabolario arabo-italiano, Roma, Istituto per l’Oriente.
- C. M. Tresso, Dizionario It-Ar, Hoepli, Milano.-E. Baldissera, Dizionario It-Ar, Ar-It, Zanichelli, Bologna
Texts in Arabic will be provided during the course.