LEARNING OBJECTIVES: the course, as part of the general learning objectives of the CdS, aims to stimulate and guide the application of the advanced knowledge about cognitive aging (perception, attention, language and memory even in relation to new theoretical approaches (e.g., emotions, personality) that guide research in the field.
Knowledge and comprehension: the student should be able to recognize and apply the principal theoretical and methodological approaches in Psychology and Aging, identify the principal theoretical and experimental paradigms of Cognitive Aging and the relation between them, describe recent orientations in cognitive aging, with particular riferment to emotions;
-Autonomy of judgment: The student should be able to discuss experimental data with older adults and develop new analytical ponts of view on each cognitive process;
- Comunication Ability: the student should be able to use the technical language of GeroPsychology to highlight the differences in the terms adopted by different psychological approaches.
The course will focus on the following objects:
- psychology and aging: the origin;
- methodological problems;
- the aging brain;
- cognitive aging;
- emotional aging;
- aging and caregiving.
The aging population is a relevant phenomenon in our society. The course will adopt a multidimensional perspective to the study of aging: from the study of cerebral and cognitive aging to the study of emotional and societal variables. The aim is to identify a series of variables that help understanding how to increase the older adults'wellbeing.
A series of research papers will be provided.
Frontal lessons.
The exam is written with multiple choice questions. Exam time is approx. 30 min. Students can choose to complete the exam with an oral integration.