AA 2020/2021
Five-year Master's Degree in Architecture - Department of Architecture
Manager Michele Di Sivo
The Course aims to provide the tools useful for the preparation of the thesis and scientific texts in general, therefore, the main theoretical, methodological and technical tools aimed at addressing the scientific writing and the definition of the contents of the project. It also intends to provide the scientific contents related to the advancement of innovation in the areas of design with reference to the knowledge of construction techniques and technologies, taking as a determining value the relationship with the systems of realization of architectural works. Within the framework of innovation issues, it also intends to outline the main issues related to post-graduate professional orientation.
The cycle of lectures aims to offer students the main tools for orientation in the process of the dissertation process and in the labour market. In particular, it aims to provide useful knowledge to: support the thesis definition process by stimulating the research autonomy of undergraduates; outline the themes inherent to the trajectories of innovation processes within the relationship between "Project and Construction"; orient on the emerging aspects of the labour market inherent to the outlined fields of innovation by fostering the ability of self-promotion in the labour market.
To this end it articulates its contents in two teaching modules.
Module 1 - The Thesis project
It includes content aimed at supporting the realisation of the examination paper "The thesis project". It provides, therefore, the necessary skills and tools to develop and present a research topic, the implementation of these skills with the framing of the problem with respect to the state of the art, the collection of an essential bibliography and the definition and presentation of a work plan to achieve the objectives.
Module 2 - Innovation and new skills for the labour market
The Module explores the role of innovation and the acquisition of new skills as an essential tool for the expression of the processes of definition and construction configuration of architecture. Experiences and case studies are described in which new approaches, technologies and tools are made intelligible in order to enhance the capacity to control construction processes for an architecture in which the aspects of technical and constructive innovation assume a relevant functional and formal recognition. The organisation of educational activities and thematic seminars provide the cognitive tools to control the techniques inherent in the design and construction process, highlighting the close interdependence between the physical, functional and figurative aspects of architecture.
The teaching methods for the pursuit of the training objectives include lectures, seminars, classroom exercises, lessons-reviews in order to promote the ability to acquire and apply knowledge.
The evaluation takes into account the constant application of the student to all phases of the training process: the quality of the works produced in the exercises; the active participation in the collegial review activities and in the in-depth seminars are all elements that contribute to the outcome of the final examination.
The examination consists of an interview on the topics of the lessons and seminars as well as a discussion of the papers produced during the course. They occur in particular:
1. The knowledge and learning of the notions delivered in seminar or frontal form;
2. The ability to argue the proposed "Degree Thesis Project".
- Morabito G., 2009
Forme e tecniche dell'architettura contemporanea, Officina Edizioni, Roma
- Sinopoli N., 1997
La tecnologia invisibile, Franco Angeli, Milano
- Sinopoli N., Tatano V., 2002
Sulle tracce dell’innovazione tra tecniche e architettura, Franco Angeli
- Lo Sasso M., (a cura di), 2005
Progetto e innovazione, Clean, Napoli
- Bianchi R. Morabito G., 2010
La decrescita prosperosa dell'edificio, Gangemi, Roma