The monodisciplinary course for the PROJECT & PLANNING degree area is aimed at providing students who choose it with preliminary support in identifying the topics of the final degree thesis and an initial development of the methodological and research approach of these theses.
The degree laboratory in Project & Planning is undoubtedly the most characterized area, among those offered in the last year of the degree course in Architecture, towards urban planning.
However, this disciplinary characterization corresponds to a vast openness to disciplines and sciences that deal, in various capacities, with the territory, environment, urban habitat, towards which research and initial documentation activities are favored, also through the involvement of experts and scholars of other disciplinary fields (urban sociology, anthropology, environmental sciences, economic sciences, law, climate sciences).
The didactic action of the course is carried out through the reconstruction and updating of the knowledge gained by the students in the courses of urban planning content during the previous years, the address to the research of data sources and the construction of territorial and urban cognitive frameworks, the recognition and offer of a more advanced overview of theoretical and technical knowledge in the field of urban and territorial planning for the preparation of planning and management tools for the city and the territory (ordinary plans, sector plans, strategic plans, action and strategic agendas).
Finally, particular attention is dedicated, within specific didactic modules, to the theme of urban and territorial regeneration of marginal settlement environments characterized by conditions of exclusion and inequality (functional peripheries and internal areas), and to that of mitigation and adaptation of territories and cities to climate change.
The course is held in a collegial form between the Dda professors of the disciplinary sector 08 / F1 - URBAN AND TERRITORIAL PLANNING AND DESIGN who have joined the Project & Planning degree field (prof. Paolo Fusero, prof. Ottavia Aristone, prof. Piero Rovigatti), in collaboration with professors of Italian and foreign universities with whom the DdA maintains cooperation and didactic and scientific exchange relationships (IUAV di Venezia, Università Sapienza di Roma, Università Roma Tre, Politecnico di Milano, Facultad Ciencias de l’Habitat, UniSalle, Tirana, Albania; Polytechnic of Tirana, Albania; School of Art and Architecture, University of Yazd, Iran).
The course is divided into six modules of 1 CFU each, plus a final module of 2 CFU:
Module 1 - Introduction to the course. Knowledge acquired in previous urban planning courses. Research themes, methodologies, sources, open data for urban and territorial research (P. Rovigatti), 1 CFU (10 hours)
Module 2 - Research themes. Internal marginal areas (O. Aristone), 1 CFU (10 hours)
Module 3 - Research themes. Functional suburbs and areas of urban inequality (P. Rovigatti), 1 CFU (10 hours)
Module 4 - Research themes. Urban regeneration at the time of climate change (P. Fusero), 1 CFU (10 hours)
Module 5 - Tools. Strategic plans and action programs (R. Mascarucci, P. Rovigatti), 1 CFU (10 hours)
Module 6 - Tools of Open Government and informed participation, GIS seminar (P. Rovigatti), 1 CFU (10 hours)
Module 7 - Final Workshop. (P. Rovigatti, P. Fusero, O. Aristone, R. Mascarucci), 2 CFU (20 hours), Looking for.. Urban and territorial regeneration, in collaboration with Universidad La Salle, Facultad Ciencias de l'Habitat, local authorities and third sector associations of the Abruzzo Region.
Reference texts:
Patrizia Gabellini, Tecniche urbanistiche, Carocci editore, Roma 2001
Patrizia Gabellini, Le mutazioni dell’urbanistica. Principi, tecniche, competenze, Carocci editore, Roma, 2018
(Modulo P. Rovigatti, Periferie funzionali e ambiti di disuguaglianza urbana)
Bernardo Secchi, La città dei ricchi e la città dei poveri, Laterza, Roma-Bari, 2013.
Franco La Cecla, Contro l’urbanistica, Einaudi, Torino, 2015
Paolo Berdini, Le città fallite, Donzelli Editore, Roma, 2014.
Elinor Ostrom, Governing the Commons: The Evolution of Institutions for Collective Action, Cambridge University Press, 1990. Traduzione italiana: Governare i beni collettivi, Marsilio, Venezia, 2006.
Paolo Pileri, Elena Granata, Amor loci. Suolo, ambiente, cultura civile, Libreria Cortina, Milano, 2012
Paolo Maddalena, Il territorio bene comune degli italiani. Proprietà collettiva, proprietà private e interesse pubblico, Donzelli Editore, Roma, 2014
Francesca Di Lascio e Fabio Giglioni, La rigenerazione di beni e spazi urbani. Contributo al diritto della città, il Mulino, collana “Percorsi”, Bologna, 2017.
Camera dei Deputati, Commissione parlamentare di inchiesta sulle condizioni di sicurezza e sullo stato di degrado delle città e delle loro periferie, Relazione sull’attività svolta dalla Commissione, Stabilimenti Tipografici Carlo Colombo, Roma, 2017, disponibile in rete all’indirizzo:
Mibac - Direzione Generale Arte e Architettura contemporanee e Periferie urbane, progetto intersettoriale Piano Cultura Futuro Urbano, 2019.
Keti Lelo, Salvatore Monni, Federico Tomassi
Le mappe della disuguaglianza. Una geografia sociale metropolitana, Donzelli Editore, Roma, 2019
Agostino Petrillo, La periferia nuova. Disuguaglianza, spazi, città. Franco Angeli Editore, Milano, 2010.
Carlo Cellamare e Francesco Montillo, (2020), Periferia. Abitare Tor Bella Monaca, Donzelli Editore, Roma
Carlo Cellamare, (2019), Città fai-da-te. Tra antagonismo e cittadinanza. Storie di autorganizzazione urbana, Donzelli Editore, Roma
Piero Rovigatti e Ludovica Simionato, talkin’ about inequalities. Superare la crisi riducendo le disuguaglianze urbane, in: BCB, n. 1, 2020
Piero Rovigatti, Retake Rancitelli, (2016), The Regeneration of the Urban Common Goods as an Instrument of Social Inclusion and Empowerment of the Communities. Experiences of Research, Participation, Education for Active Criticism of the Urban Inequalities in the Southern Periphery of Pescara, Pescara, in: Carmelina Bevilacqua, Francesco Calabrò, Lucia Della Spina, (editors), New Metropolitan Perspectives: Local Knowledge and Innovation Dynamics Towards Territory Attractiveness Through the Implementation of Horizon/E2020/Agenda2030, Volume 2, Springer Nature Switzerland, 2020, ISBN: 9783030482794, pp. 2109 – 2122.
Educational objectives:
The monodisciplinary course for the PROJECT & PLANNING degree area is aimed at providing students who choose it with preliminary support in identifying the topics of the final degree thesis and an initial development of the methodological and research approach of these theses.
The fundamental training objectives concern:
1. The ability to write a bibliography and a research website according to scientific methodologies
2. The ability to carry out open data research on the identified research topic
3. The ability to build a city inventory of reference for thesis research, even in shared form (use of data storage and sharing platforms such as Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.)
4. the use, elementary, of open source GIS tools, for the management of geographic and urban data (QGIS)
5. The ability to reconstruct the regulatory urban horizon relating to the context / topic of interest
6. The ability to develop a work program aimed at forming an urban planning tool of a general, detailed and sectoral nature
7. The ability to develop an elementary participation program to support the formation of an urban planning tool of a general, detailed and sectoral nature
Students must have taken all urban planning exams (Urban Planning 1 and 2; Urban Planning;
Didactics methodologies:
The course takes place through face-to-face teaching lessons, supplemented by webinars in connection with experts from other Italian and foreign universities, classroom exercises and individual and group teaching work at home by students.
Evalutation methodologies: Type of exam: Oral - Assessment: Mark
The course requires the compulsory presence of students.
This presence will be checked at the beginning and at the end of each lesson.
Unjustified absence for more than three lessons results in automatic cancellation from the course.
The exam takes place individually through the presentation of the materials drawn up during the exercise in working groups consisting of a maximum of two students, and the discussion of the topics presented in the ex cathedra lectures and in the didactic communications.
The final evaluation is carried out through the following criteria:
1. Clarity, completeness and originality of the drawings in consideration of the consistency of the interpretative procedure;
2. ability to intelligently use sources, investigations in the field and in the network;
3. coherence and rigor of the methodological program of analysis and project proposal.
Critical ability and clarity of presentation are also valued favorably.
Period: First semester, Second Semester
The course is offered in a double modality, in two different academic periods.
In the first semester, the course is offered in intensive mode, coinciding with the traditional Summer School, in the first ten days of September, also on the occasion of ongoing mobility activities for foreign students hosted by our Degree in Architecture. This edition of the course contemplates the didactic organization described in the previous notes, with a more precise thematic characterization regarding the final exercise model. The last edition of this course modality - 2 - 12 September 2020 -, was entitled: Design Make you Free! Confiscated assets as an opportunity and tool for the regeneration of marginal urban and territorial environments.
In the second semester, the course is divided into weekly appointments, according to a calendar that is presented by the end of the first semester.
In the first proposal, the schedule scheduled for the 2nd semester of the academic year 2020-21 is as follows:
Module 1 – Lezioni introduttive e riepilogative. (P. Rovigatti), 1 CFU (10 ore) – 1° week December
Module 2 – Aree marginali interne (O. Aristone), 1 CFU (10 ore) – 4° week February
Module 3 – Periferie e ambiti di disuguaglianza (P. Rovigatti), 1 CFU (10 ore) – 1° week March
Module 4 – Rigenerazione u. e cambiamento climatico (P. Fusero), 1 CFU (10 ore) – 3° week March
Module 5 –Piani strategici (R. Mascarucci, P. Rovigatti), 1 CFU (10 ore) – 1° week April
Module 6 – Seminario GIS (P. Rovigatti), 1 CFU (10 ore) – 3° week April/3° week Juanary
Module 7 – Workshop (P. Rovigatti, P. Fusero, O. Aristone), 2 CFU (20 ore), Looking for.. Urban and territorial regeneration, in collaborazione con Universidad La Salle, Facultad Ciencias de l’Habitat, enti locali e associazioni di terzo settore della Regione Abruzzo – 3° settimana di maggio
Others information: Facebook: La mia tesi in Urbanistica, nel Dd'A_Dart di Pescara
Data base:
functional peripheries
internal marginal areas
social inclusion
mitigation of inequalities
Fair and sustainable wellbeing
climate change