Corso di Studi: SEGI
Dipartimento di afferenza: CLA
Giorni ed Orario di ricevimento: da definire
Semestre II a.a. 2019/2020
Servizi Giuridici per l'Impresa
Lingua insegnamento/ Language used in the course
The present 3 CREDIT MODULE I (SEGI) Degree course in Legal and Sociological sciences is organized in the following way:
frontal lecturers
Written and oral production and practice.
B1 of the Common European Framework (CEFR) is the preferred starting level and B1+ /B2 should be the final level attained.
The program is based on the review of English language functions, grammar structures as well as to the introduction of the main lexical and structural elements of the English language for Jurisprudence-
How the Exam is structured
There is both a written and oral exam.
The written and oral exams COVER language structure and grammar.
The written exam will contain a reading comprehension test.
The oral exam will check student fluency, accuracy and knowledge of GENERAL ENGLISH.
Level B1 of the Common European Framework (CEFR) is highly recommended as B1+ /B2 are the eventual the target levels.
If the students lacks the minimum requirements, he or she is advised to seek out help before and/or during the course
Obiettivi formativi Learning objectives
MODULE I aims at developing Global ENGLISH language skills
Therefore, the curriculum, based on the parameter of Common European Framework for Foreign Languages (Strasbourg 1998) will give the student the possibility to learn:
Communicative competence OF A GENERAL NATURE - level B1/2 * –
The four basic language skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing)
• The course is a pass or fail, but if it should be required, a grade equivalent can be obtained upon request. A1 A2 B1 B1plus
Programma esteso/course syllabus
The course aims to provide participants with the basic knowledge necessary for COMMUNICATION PURPOSES
Many English language structures and functions will be reviewed. Hence, all the grammar located in International Legal English a Practical Course book WILL BE COVERED IN THE COURSE.
In order to decode a text, the learner must understand the content of the reading material clearly; thus the course aims to give the students the necessary tools to achieve this skill.
To satisfy that aim the students must obtain the following book:
International Legal English A practical course book for speakers of English as a second language. Giappichelli editore
Metodi didattici/course structure
The course programme will be as follows:
MODULE 1 – 3 ECT (European University Credit) deals with:
Language structure
Language functions
And all of the grammar found in the course book
Modalità di verifica dell’apprendimento/Course grade determination
The evaluation is based on:
A compulsory written test to check:
Reading comprehension
Factual text analysis
The skills at writing a paragraph
An oral exam
The student’s ability to speak English with a good amount of fluency based on topics OF A GENERAL NATURE.
Special considerations will be offered to students with an 80% attendance rate during the course.