The course presents the evolution of sociological theories from birth to the present day according to the following order:
The origins: I. The historical-cultural context and the understanding of society; II. the philosophical matrices of the sociology of the origins (evolutionary theories, idealism, materialism); III. the first methodological debate and the search for new foundations.
The classics of sociology: I. Marx, Tönnies and Simmel; II. Max Weber; III. Emile Durkheim; IV. The theories of the elitists; V. The origins of North American sociology.
Sociology from the Second World War to the present day: I. Functionalism. - II. The conflict theory. - III. The phenomenology orientation. - IV. Symbolic interactionism. - V. Theories of rational choice. - VI. Ethnomethodology. - VII. Collective behaviour and social movements; VIII. Neoliberal sociology. IX. Dramaturgy and total institutions. X. History and criticism of public opinion in J. Habermas. XI. Methodological individualism. XII. The systemic orientation of N. Luhmann.
Thematic deepenings:
1. Models of relationships between human sciences and natural sciences;
2. New technologies, digital space and social change.