1. A book to choose from: a. Giorgio Concato, Manual of Dynamic Psychology, Psiconline Editions, 2010. P. 291, (€ 22). We also recommend the downloadable version on the Internet (Alefbet editions, Florence 2006). b. Alessandra De Coro, Francesca Ortu (a cura di), Dynamic Psychology. Theoretical models in comparison, Laterza Editions, 2010, p. 410 (25€). In addition to teaching material provided by the teacher.
2. Two chapters of the text: T. Sola (edited by), The methods of clinical investigation in the psychopathological field, Aracne Editions, Rome 2009. (€ 15), precisely: Introduction: a) "The essence of clinical investigation in psychopathology" (p. 23-38). We also recommend reading the "Introduction" to the text (pp. 11-17). b) "The initial assessment in psychotherapy between definition, understanding and interpretation" (p. 127-136). The text must be found on the Internet in good time or by contacting the Aracne publishing house (www.aracneeditrice.it), of which they can provide even only the PDF.
To know more: A. Molaro, G. Stanghellini, Storia della fenomenologia clinica, UTET Università, Torino 2020. P. 496 (41€).