Elementi di statistica per la psicologia. Anna Paola Ercolani, Alessandra Areni e Luigi Leone. ISBN 978-88-15-12169-1. Il Mulino, Bologna, 2018. (Capitoli 6 e 7).
Introducing ANOVA and ANCOVA: a GLM approach. Andrew Rutherford. SAGE publications, 2001. ISBN 0 7619 5160 1. (optional book to support the course)
Articles and material available at the e-learning page (https://elearning.unich.it) of the course:
- Crawford, J. R., & Howell, D. C. (1998). Comparing an individual's test score against norms derived from small samples. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 12(4), 482-486.
- Crawford, J. R., & Garthwaite, P. H. (2002). Investigation of the single case in neuropsychology: Confidence limits on the abnormality of test scores and test score differences. Neuropsychologia, 40(8), 1196-1208.
- Crawford, J. R. & Garthwaite, P.H. (2005). Testing for suspected impairments and dissociations in single-case studies in neuropsychology: Evaluation of alternatives using Monte Carlo simulations and revised tests for dissociations”. Neuropsychology,19, 318-331.
- Crawford, J. R., & Garthwaite, P. H. (2006). Detecting dissociations in single-case studies: Type I errors, statistical power and the classical versus strong distinction. Neuropsychologia, 44(12), 2249-2258.
- Manuale di neuropsicologia Clinica ed elementi di riabilitazione. Vallar G. & Papagno C. Il Mulino, 2018. ISBN edizione digitale: 9788815350084. ISBN edizione a stampa: 9788815278708. (Chapter 5: Approcci statistici in ambito neuropsicologico: dalla valutazione della normalità e della patologia alla stima delle variabili latenti)
- Handbook of Psychological Assessment, 6th Edition. Gary Groth-Marnat, A. Jordan Wright. ISBN: 978-1-118-96064-6 May 2016. (Chapter 5 e 10).
Additional teaching materials (slides, exercizes, teaching material in pdf, web links to free/open source programs) will be available at the elearning platform: https://elearning.unich.it