At the end of the course the student: - knows the main theoretical orientations in adolescent psychology; - knows in detail the main developmental tasks of adolescence; - is able to distinguish between the concepts of personal identity and social identity; - knows the main transformations in adolescence (biological, cognitive, emotional, social) and their influence on personal identity; - knows the main aspects concerning the life contexts of adolescents (family, peers, school, institutions); - will be able to master the concepts of ecological context and psychosocial transition; - knows the differences between "normal" adolescence and critical developmental processes; - knows the main approaches on adolescent deviance and substance addictions; - is capable of following educational projects in the field of prevention and intervention in adolescent social distress; - will be able to critically evaluate educational projects in the field of prevention and intervention in adolescent social distress; - can do bibliographic research in his field of study and is able to build research reports and reports on his own activities. Know an evaluation tool. Learn the guidelines for the first interview with the adolescent.
The program deals with adolescence in historical and recent approaches; the main transformations of adolescence; social contexts and their influence on adolescent development, deviance and substance use.
The program focuses on these issues:
1. Adolescence in historical and recent approaches;
2. The main transformations of adolescence and their influence on the construction of identity;
3. Social contexts and their influence on adolescent development (family, peer, school, institutions);
4. Deviance and substance use;
5. Adolescence between lights and shadows: autonomy and dependence, bullying, adolescence online, risk research and possible interventions.
6. Prevention of risky behaviors
7. Overview of the first interview with the adolescent
Palmonari, A. (a cura di) (2011). Psicologia dell'adolescenza. Bologna: Il Mulino (capp 1-2-4-5-7-9-11-13-16-17)
Albiero, P. (a cura di) (2012). Il benessere psicosociale in adolescenza. Roma: Carocci (cap 1excluded)
Telleschi R. Torre G. (a cura di) (1998). Il primo colloquio con l’adolescente. Esperienze nei diversi contesti istituzionali. Milano: Raffaello Cortina Editore (capitoli 1 – 2- 3 – 4)
Lectures provide guidelines for interpreting book. During lessons, students will be asked to apply the theoretical knowledge acquired, through individual or group work.
Oral examination.
The teacher will upload the material on e learning