The course contributes to the achievement of the educational objectives of the degree course in Economics and Behavioral Sciences providing the knowledge and the statistical skills to various professional figures such as internal or external consultants in public or private organizations, marketing managers, human resources officers in order to:
- support the policy maker by carrying out behavioural and experimental studies and researches in order to foster policy development based on empirical evidence (behaviorally-informed)
- help companies to innovate and/or implement organizational changes by supporting company planning through the use of experimental methodologies in order to test and review business hypotheses (according to the approach known as lean innovation).
- test new products and/or services by developing experimental protocols and market research to understand consumer/customer behavior
- enhancing human resources by carrying out experimental research activities to identify the best solutions to be adopted in human resources management.
At the end of the course the student must possess knowledge and skills related to the statistical terminology, the theoretical and applicative aspects of some statistical methodologies.
The course aims to transmit the following skills and knowledge:
At the end of this course, students should be able to
- know the frequency distributions and the main descriptive statistical indices (summary, shape and variability)
- know the rules that underlie the probability calculus and the main probabilistic models
- know and understand the logic for building sample distributions and the implications for statistical inference
- know and understands the scientific philosophy and principles of hypothesis testing
- know the basic and advanced elements for the use of statistical software.
To this end the course proposes to transmit the following skills and knowledge in terms of particular objectives:
Students should be able to
- employ correct definitions and applications of statistical concepts and methods used in behavioral and social science research
- to assess the reliability and validity of the data collected and to carry out a descriptive analysis of the data collected
- to identify methods suitable for understanding and analysing data, with particular attention to the experimental framework
- apply estimation methods on sample data to make inferences about population parameters
- to write analysis reports
At the end of this course, students
- independently decide which tools to use and which analsys to carry out to describe synthetically the characteristics of a population
- independently decide which tools to use and which analysis to perform in order to make inference on parameters of the population of interest on the basis of available sample data
- understand, interpret and provide a critical evaluation of both descriptive and inferential data analysis results
- express analytical and summary considerations on the fundamental principles of the discipline and makes interdisciplinary connections.
At the end of this course, students
- use statistical language in an appropriate and relevant way;
- communicate the results of the statistical analyzes and the logical reasoning both in written and oral form.
At the end of this course, students
- carry out individual and group research on specific aspects of the discipline (tools used: notes, in-depth texts, group exercises)