The aim of the course is to analyze some of the main macroeconomic models by applying them to real-world problems. In particular, the course will study short and long term macroeconomic models that will be analyzed and discussed with the aim of offering the student conceptual and analytical tools for interpreting the macroeconomic reality.
The course explores some macroeconomic issues of international relevance such as national accounting integrated with the matrix of flows and funds, issues related to economic growth, analysis of currency areas and monetary unions. The sustainability of public debt.
Course contents:
1. Insights into national accounting: analysis of flows and funds.
2. The theory of optimal currency areas and its application to the European Monetary Union.
3. Economic growth: the Solow model, the Ramsey-Cass-Koopmans model, the endogenous growth models.
4. Insights on the theories of consumption and investment.
5. The regulation of financial and credit intermediaries.
6. Ayimmetric information and the credit market.
7. The sustainability of the debt / GDP ratio.
8. Empirical tests on growth theories.
The teaching material consists of articles and lecture notes that will be made available by the teacher at the beginning of the course.
Lectures and tutorial aimed at verifying the learning of the students about the topics examined in the lectures
The final exam will be divided into a written test on
topics covered during the course and present in the program. The written test will consist of theoretical questions, exercises and problems, to which they will be attributed a total of 30 points.
Prof. Alessandro Pandimiglio 9 Cfu
Department of Economics