At the end of the course students are expected
1. To demonstrate a basic knowledge of the principles of economics and their application to agricultural problems.
2.To demonstrate a basic knowledge of the role of agriculture in Italy, the EU and world economies as well as the contribute of agriculture in realizing the Sustainable development goals.
3. To demostrate a basic understanding of the objectives, principles and impacts of agricultral policy measures.
4. To be able to discuss the evolution of the objectives and measures of the Common Agricultural Policy.
The role of agriculture in Italy, the EU and world economies.
A survey of the world food situation.
Consumption and demand of agri-food products.
Production and supply of agri-food products.
Market price determination; competitive versus noncompetitive market models.
International trade of agri-food commodities.
Agricultural problems and farm policies.
The Common Agricultural Policy
Rural development policy
The future of food and agriculture
The role of agriculture in the economy.
The polarisation of agrarian structures
The role of agriculture in the global economy
World food situation and trends
The contribute of agriculture to the SDGs
Demand of food and agricultural products
Producer theory in agricultural economics.
Price formation and the performance of agro-food systems
Marketing margins and food price instability
Trade in Agri-food Products.
Brief Overview of Trade Theory.
The Effects of Government Intervention in International Agricultural Markets.
Current issues in International Agricultural Trade
Agricultural Problems and Policy Analysis
The farm income problem
The Common Agricultural Policy
Promoting rural development
Agriculture and the natural environment.
Externalities and public goods in agriculture
The future of food and agriculture
F. MESSORI E F. FERRETTI (2010) Economia del mercato agroalimentare. Edagricole. Capitoli dall'1 -8.
VALERIA SODANO, MARIA SASSI, ANDREA MARCHINI (2010) Economia agroalimentare: mercati e politiche, McGrawHill cap. 7 (esclusi 7.4 e approfondimenti) e 8 (escluso approfondimento)
INEA (2014) La nuova PAC 2014-2020: una guida pratica per una visione di insieme. (senza il glossario).
Teaching material in english will be made available on demand.
Lesson Notes, Slides and other teaching materials will be distributed to students in class.
The course is structured in 72 hours of teaching activity organized in lectures and presentation and discussion of case studies.
Learning outcomes will be assessed in oral examination.
The examiners will question the candidate on the topics presented during the course for about 15 minutes.
The goals for this course are for students to understand and display knowledge of the following: ‐Producer/Consumer Theory
‐Agricultural Markets
‐Ag trade
- Ag policy
policyAt the end of the course, students will be able to:1. 2. .3. discuss the impact of regional, national, and global agribusiness policy
The successful student will be able to
- apply market analysis (supply and demand) to various commodity market scenarios
- explain Ag production and consumption by using economic theory for support
-) analyze and evaluate how farm policy measures affect supply, demand, and equilibrium pricing in agri-food markets.
Contact by e-mail:
In the second semester office hours will be set according to the class schedule and announced at the beginning of the course.