“From Symbolism to the Avant-gardes.”
The course focuses on the major cultural components of the early twentieth century in the avant-garde area, already present at the end of the nineteenth century. In the literary and artistic field, we will start from 1873-1874 recalling the publications of those years by A. Rimbaud, Une Saison en Enfer, T. Corbière, Les Amours jaunes and Ch. Cros, Le Coffret de Santal, in conjunction with the birth of Impressionism (see Claude Monet Impression, soleil levant, 1872).
The events are determined on the one hand by the poetics of these poets at the base of Symbolism, on the other since they mark the need for overcoming.
Naturism, which arose as the first real opposition to Symbolism, was followed by Integralism, Unanimism, Paroxysm, Dramatism or Simultaneism, artistic-literary ferments called “écoles” by Apollinaire which contributed to the birth of the historical avant-garde.
The manifestos illustrating the various poetics expressed by their authors: Adolphe Lacuzon, Nicolas Beauduin, Henri-Martin Barzun and, in particular, by the most representative Jules Romains, founder of Unanimism, will be analyzed.
A particularly treated topic is dedicated to the quarrels about "simultaneity" disputed by various “fathers”, which later became, with modernity, the main banner of Futurism.
Per 9 CFU:
G. Giansante, Genesi dell’avanguardia, Valencia, El Doctor Sax, (“ini init”, 9) 2020 (monografia) ISBN 9798651731640.
La Poesia Sonora. Il ritmo e l’azione. in Bérénice, N. S.4, XXI, 58 (giugno 2020), ISSN: 1128-7047.
Viaggio nell’alchimia letteraria. Avanguardie e altri percorsi. Raccolta di saggi di G.-A. Bertozzi, Lanciano, Carabba editore, 2014.
Testo consigliato: Brunel, Storia della letteratura francese, Rapallo, Cideb, (XIX e XX secolo).
Per 6 CFU:
G. Giansante, “Genesi dell’avanguardia”, Valencia, El Doctor Sax, (“ini init”, 9) 2020 (monografia) ISBN 9798651731640.
“La Poesia Sonora. Il ritmo e l’azione”, in “Bérénice”, N.S.4, XXI, 58 (giugno 2020), ISSN: 1128-7047.
Learning objectives:
This course contributes to achieving the educational objectives of the degree course in Literature; we want to develop the appropriate knowledge and methodologies to analyze the literary genre of the novel in view of the entrance to Master's Degree courses, such as Archeology (LM-2), Modern Philology (LM-14), Philology, Literature and History of Antiquity ( LM-15), Linguistics (LM-39), History of Art (LM-89).
Learning outcomes:
At the end of the course the students will have to possess the critical tools to be able to understand the literary artistic process that will lead to the birth of the historical Avanguradie.
Communicative goals:
Students should be able to explain their ideas to specialists, with appropriate and clear terms, but also to non-specialists, in order to be able to implement profitable interdisciplinary synergies with scholars belonging to other fields of study.
63 hours of lessons; some seminar hours are also scheduled.
Students will be able to choose whether to take the tests during the course or the final exam and with a vote (in thirtieths) both can be taken in Italian.