The course will examine the impact of the economic boom and industrialisation processes on literary production from the 1950s to the energy crisis of the 1970s. In order to reconstruct the cultural debate on the theme of alienation and the new prospects for development, novels, poems and essays by leading Italian writers will be studied from this perspective.
Giuseppe Langella, La modernità letteraria. Manuale di letteratura italiana moderna e contemporanea, Pearson Italia, 2021.
Giuseppe Lupo, La letteratura al tempo di Adriano Olivetti, Edizioni di Comunità, 2016;
Simone Giorgino, Poeti in rivolta. Lavoro e industria nella poesia italiana contemporanea, Edizioni Sinestesie, 2018;
Paolo Volponi, Memoriale, qualsiasi edizione;
Ottiero Ottieri, Donnarumma all’assalto, Milano, Garzanti;
Goffredo Parise, Il padrone, Milano, Adelphi;
Ermanno Rea, La dismissione, Feltrinelli;
Additional study materials will be provided during the lessons. The programme for 6 cfu includes all texts except Simone Giorgino and Rea.
The teaching contributes to the realization of the Learning Objectives of the Course of Study in Literature, aiming to provide methodological and hermeneutical tools related to literary modernity; .
At the end of the course students will have to acquire sufficient skills to analyze the literary texts of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
Communication skills
Students should be able to present with appropriate terms and in a clear way what they have learned in relation to the themes and critical methodologies inherent to literary modernity in Italy.
The course is aimed at students of the second year of the three-year course in Literature and requires knowledge of the fundamentals of literary modernity.
Conventional. 63 hours of teacher up front lessons; there will also be seminars and lectures by scholars from Italian, European and American universities.
If you have any questions, please contact the teacher at
Oral exam with final marks.
The final assessment consists of an oral exam on the entire syllabus. The aim is to assess students' skills and in particular, an understanding of the issues discussed during the course, an appropriate knowledge of the bibliography in the course programme as well as critical and methodological abilities will be evaluated. The grading scale goes from 1 to 30 with honours (cum laude): 1-17 fail, 18-21 sufficient, 22-24 fair, 25-27 good, 28-29 very good, 30-30 with honours (cum laude) excellent.
The course uses the methodology of ecocriticism and aims to reflect on topical issues such as urbanisation, pollution and labour migration.