Logopedic plan(individual and superative), organization of the rehabilitation setting, drafting of the treatment plan, identification and definition of the objectives of the short, medium and long term rehabilitation treatment, treatment phases, efficacy and efficiency.
Rehabilitation of the voice following various pathologies and surgical interventions of the oral cavity and head and neck.
Linguistic rehabilitation of oncologic patient following surgery. The rehabilitation of facial paralysis.
Evaluation and treatment of the voice in the neurological adult.
Rehabilitation and treatment of language deficits following stroke, head trauma and encephalitis in acute and recovery.
Treatment of language deficits following permanent neurological damage.
Linguistic rehabilitation of the neurodegenerative patient: treatment of aphasias, apraxias and dysarthria.
Linguistic rehabilitation of the patient with dementia.
Linguistic rehabilitation using the PROMPT method: outline.
Other communication techniques: augmentative alternative communication (AAC). Speech therapist intervention in the structuring of an AAC project in acquired linguistic pathologies.
Therapy based on supportive strategies and group therapies. Notes on the LSVT method. Computerized interventions / tele rehabilitation.
Linguistic rehabilitation by transcranial stimulation: TMS and tDCS.