Incomitant deviations and restriction syndromes
definitions and generalities
- Stilling Turk Duane Syndrome type I, II, III
- Brown Syndrome
- Moebius Syndrome
Definition and Characteristics (wave type, frequency, amplitude, intensity, direction, symmetrical spatial trajectory, age of onset, neutral point)
Physiological nystagmus
- optokinetic nystagmus
- caloric-induced vestibular nystagmus
- rotatory vestibular nystagmus
- laterality nystagmus
- voluntary nystagmus
- fatigue nystagmus; from an extreme or unsupported gaze
pathological nystagmus
congenital or infantile
- idiopathic congenital nystagmus
- nystagmus due to sensory defect
- latent nystagmus; manifest-latent nystagmus
- spasmus nutans
- vestibular nystagmus
- neurological nystagmus
- periodic alternating nystagmus
- nystagmus secondary to visual impairment
- spasmus nutans
Therapeutic approach
Definition and general aspects
Compensatory stiff necks improve visual function
- from refractive anomalies
- from perimetric anomalies
- from nystagmus (congenital; manifest latent strabismus; in congenital monophthalmos, sensory N, acute nystagmus)
Incomitant squint in:
fracture (s) of the orbital walls
thyroid myopathy
Ptosis and eyelid malformations